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Today we will write something about the basic body types of a person. I'm sure you've heard of them. There are several divisions according to which body types are divided. We will approach the most used method of division of human body types according to the American psychologist William Sheldon.


Body Physique Types

Try to ask yourself what type of body type you have? You are tall with narrow shoulders or, conversely, you are stocky with a big belly and you are not able to lose weight as you imagined. William Sheldon singled out the basic 3 types of body structure:




Everyone is different, and no one has just one body type, but rather one predominates.



  • Lean to poor person, little muscle mass, fast metabolism, low body fat percentage, problem with gaining muscle mass.


  • The diet as always is 80% you want to take, so calculate it!
  • 1.7g - 2g of protein per 1kg of weight! (especially of animal origin)
  • 4-5g of carbohydrates per 1kg of weight! If you don't take the raise! (count only complex carbohydrates)
  • 1g fat per 1kg weight! (Especially healthy fats)
  • Eat every 2-3 hours when you're hungry it's too late!

Do not forget the drinking regime of 2.5 - 3l of water

  • Supplements: Protein, Gainer, Creatine, pre-workout, etc.



  • Basic strength exercises that load deep muscle fibers (squats, benchpress, deadlift, bends)
  • Avoid the machine!
  • Make 10 series for large games, 6 to 8 series for small games
  • 3-4 training days a week, no more
  • Enough sleep and good regeneration (sleep at least 8 hours, never train when you are tired)
  • Cardio training is unnecessary or reduce it to a minimum.



  • A person with broad shoulders, a full chest, has enough muscle mass, easily adapts to strength training and is overall strong. He has a low level of body fat. He has no problem with gained muscle mass. He can best cope with physical exertion.


  • 1.7g - 2g of protein per 1kg of weight! (especially of animal origin)
  • 4-5g of carbohydrates per 1kg of weight! We are all different, you need to watch it for a week you will not gain at 4g per 1kg of weight, so add if you go too far into fat. (count only complex carbohydrates)
  • 1g fat per 1kg weight! (especially healthy fats)
  • Drinking regime 2.5 - 3l of water
  • Supplements: Protein, Gainer, Creatine, pre-workout, etc.



  • Mozomorph has it colorful. It is best to combine basic exercises loading large parts as well as isolated exercises.
  • Prefer classic bodybuilding training
  • 6-8 series will suffice for small games
  • Do 8-12 series for large games
  • Avoid overtraining!
  • Cardio max 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes will suffice



  • He has a slow metabolism, heavy bones and a massive body
  • It quickly gains muscle mass, but on the contrary, it also gains fat
  • He has to control his diet so that he doesn't go very fat


  • Diet is very important for Endomorph, he has to control his carbohydrate intake in particular
  • 1.7g - 2g of protein per 1kg of weight! (especially of animal origin)
  • 3g of carbohydrates per 1kg of weight! I suggest starting with this number and checking your weight and especially if we are not going to be fat. Gain carbohydrates as needed. We are all different so everyone must follow it alone! We take only complex carbohydrates, sweets are not possible J.
  • 1g fat per 1kg weight! (especially healthy fats, then be careful to avoid greasy foods)
  • Eat in smaller quantities and more often
  • Write down your caloric intake
  • After 18:00 I would avoid carbohydrates



  • High intensity, shorten breaks to less than 1 min
  • Cardio training is the key to success, 3-5 times a week 30min
  • Don't forget to regenerate, sleep 7-8 hours
  • Large games 12-15 series,
  • For small games of 8-10 series

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