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What are resources?

Resources are user-submitted pieces of content that range from video presentations to publications to simulation tools.

Who can submit a resource?

Anyone can submit a resource! Resources must be relevant to the community and may undergo a short approval process to ensure all appropriate files and information are included.

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University courses that make videos of lectures and associated teaching materials available.

Browse Courses


A download is a type of resource that users can download and use on their own computer.

Browse Downloads


Notes are typically a category for any resource that might not fit any of the other categories.

Browse Notes

Online Presentations

An online presentation is a Flash-based voiced lecture, seminar, or presentation of some sort.

Browse Online Presentations


A publication is a paper relevant to the community that has been published in some manner.

Browse Publications

Teaching Materials

Supplementary materials (study notes, guides, etc.) that don't quite fit into any of the other categories.

Browse Teaching Materials


A simulation tool is software that allows users to run a specific type of calculation.

Browse Tools


A collection of lectures, seminars, and materials that were presented at a workshop.

Browse Workshops