

LyoHUB Annual Meeting 2021 - VIRTUAL – 
Friday, April 30, 2021 @ 10:00 am EDT — Friday, April 30, 2021 @ 03:00 pm EDT
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Meeting ID: 917 3201 4179
Passcode: 203032
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Meeting ID: 917 3201 4179
Passcode: 203032
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Location: Virtual
Times: 10:00 A.M. EST

10:00 am Networking/gathering time
10:15am LyoHUB Annual Report, April 2020-2021 Year in Review, Active Projects and News
10:45 am “coffee” break
11:00 am A Regulatory Perspective on Manufacturing Processes Pertaining to Lyophilized Injectable Products
Kumar Janoria, FDA Branch Chief OPQ/CDER
Steve Rhieu, FDA Branch Chief OPQ/CDER
12:00 pm “lunch” break
12:30 pm Vaccines 101
Akhilesh Bhambhani, Senior Principal Scientist and People Manager at Merck-Drug Product Development & New Technology, Merck
Johnathan Goldman, Senior Scientist, Moderna
12:50 pm Freeze Drying of Vaccines Panel
Moderated by Raj Suryanarayanan, Professor of Pharmaceutics, University of Minnesota
Akhilesh Bhambhani, Senior Principal Scientist and People Manager at Merck-Drug Product Development & New Technology, Merck
Johnathan Goldman, Senior Scientist, Moderna
Sandeep Nema, Executive Director, Biotherapeutics Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pfizer
Min Zhu, Associate Director, Large Molecule Drug Product Development, Janssen R&D
1:40 pm “coffee” break
1:50 pm New Business: 2021-2022
2:00 pm Break-Out Discussions
2:30 pm Groups gather to report on breakout session discussions
3:00 pm Meeting adjourns
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