
Join LyoHUB

Join LyoHUB

We invite you to be part of an inspiring, industry-led partnership dedicated to advancing the science and technology of lyophilization.


Our mission is to drive innovation and progress in lyophilization through collaboration and cutting-edge research.


  • Access to the LyoHUB Demonstration Facility. - The Demo Facility is a unique lyophilization pilot lab (see for details).
  • Opportunity to contribute to technical standards. – LyoHUB publishes best practice papers (click here for link). In addition, we are active members of ASTM, and helped establish a subcommittee on lyophilization (E55.05), in order to provide a mechanism to convert the best practices papers into consensus standards.
  • Access to lyophilization training. – LyoHUB provides training in various aspects of lyophilization to its members, from basic (“Lyo 101”) to advanced (“computational fluid dynamic modeling”).
  • Access to LyoHUB simulation and modeling tools, as well as other training and educational lyophilization materials. - LyoHUB hosts various simulation and modeling tools on its website, for use by our members.
  • Opportunity to participate in monthly member calls, annual meeting and other webinars, meetings and events. – LyoHUB hosts monthly virtual webinars for our members, providing updates on the latest lyophilization technologies and conducting consortium related business (e.g., status updates on best practices papers, upcoming events).
  • Access to exclusive webinars on lyophilization related topics

Many more opportunities to engage are available and evolve, develop based on interest of LyoHUB membership.

For a quick overview of LyoHUB including its members, goals, facilities, resources and activities, download this document about LyoHUB. 

To download our brochure, click here

To view our latest Annual Report, click here

To receive a membership application and for more information about LyoHUB, e-mail