Distillation Viewer for Multicomponent Separations
27 Jan 2012 | Tools | Contributor(s): Joshua Huff, Gautham Madenoor Ramapriya, George A. Howlett, Anirudh Arun Shenvi, Mohit Tawarmalani, Rakesh Agrawal, Haibo Zhang
Graphical interface to examine configurations generated by NLP distillation optimization
Dose regimen individualization
24 Aug 2011 | Tools | Contributor(s): Jose Miguel Lainez, Linas Mockus, Gary Blau, Seza Orcun, Rex Reklaitis
Dose regimen individualization
Dr. Michael Pikal presentation "Modeling in Freeze-Drying:Past, Current State and Future Perspectives"
27 Jun 2018 | Online Presentations
Early Work by Marcus KarelMotivation for Modeling StudiesStead State ModelsThe Non-Steady State Model in Two DimensionsNon-Steady Models for Sublimation and Desorption DryingThe Nonsteady State Modeling of Freeze Drying: In-Process Product Temperature and Moisture Content...
Drop formation: Methods and applications
09 Sep 2008 | Publications | Contributor(s): Pradeep P. Bhat
It is our common experience to see water drip out of a leaky faucet in, say, a kitchen sink. While dripping in this case may be an unwanted process, it can gainfully be employed as one of the methods, among a host of different techniques, to produce drops of various liquids for useful purposes....
Drug Degradation Kinetics Scheme Simulation
16 Dec 2013 | Tools | Contributor(s): Lee Kirsch, Stephen Dion Stamatis
Simulate pH-dependent drug degradation scheme
Drug Degradation Study Design
15 Dec 2013 | Tools | Contributor(s): Lee Kirsch, Stephen Dion Stamatis
Simulate drug degradation using student selected experimental conditions
Drug Delivery Experiments
11 Sep 2012 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Stephanie Farrell
Attached are five files detailing four separate experiments that are designed to be used in an undergraduate curriculum. The alginate bead experiment utilizes an alginate hydrogel drug delivery system to affect the rate at which a dye or protein is released. The lozenge experiment is a drug...
Dynamic Roller Compactor
02 Jan 2008 | Tools | Contributor(s): shsu, Kamal Kuriyan
Dynamic simulation of roller compaction for dry granulation
Dynamic Simulation of Roller Compaction
12 May 2008 | Publications | Contributor(s): shsu
A dynamic model for roller compaction process is derived based on Johanson’s rolling theory and material balance. Johanson’s rolling theory is used to predict the stress and density profiles during the compaction and the material balance equation describes the roll gap change. The proposed model...
Effervescence Laboratory - Student and Instructor's Version
11 Mar 2014 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s): Alexander Vincent Jannini, David J Krause, Heather Malino, Kevin Sweeney, C.S. Slater PhD, M.J. Savelski PhD
This is one of a set of experiments designed for lower level undergraduate courses. The focus of the experimental set is to introduce pharmaceutical concepts to undergraduates while also incorporating general engineering educational objectives. This contains both a student version and instructor...
ERC-SOPS Educational Modules
27 Feb 2009 | Series
These educational modules have been contributed by the ERC for Structured Organic Particulate Systems.
Excipient KB Spectra Analyzer
29 Apr 2011 | Tools | Contributor(s): Linas Mockus, George A. Howlett, Ann Christine Catlin
Spectral analysis
Factorial Experimentation
05 May 2008 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s): Gary Blau
A full factorial experiment is a set of experimental runs such that all levels of a given factor are combined with all levels of every other factor.
06 Feb 2017 | Downloads | Contributor(s): TN Thompson, Qiming Wang, Cindy Reiter
Fluidization of Pharmaceutical Substances - Student and Instructor's Versions
16 Apr 2014 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s): Alexander Vincent Jannini, David J Krause, Heather Malino, Kevin Sweeney, C.S. Slater PhD, M.J. Savelski PhD
This is one of a set of experiments designed for lower level undergraduate courses. The focus of the experimental set is to introduce pharmaceutical concepts to undergraduates while also incorporating general engineering educational objectives. This contains both a student version and instructor...
Freezing Step in the Lyophilization Cycle Development and its Impact on the Product Stability and Overall Formulation
06 Feb 2017 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Tushar Nahata
Impact of Freezing step on the lyophilization cycle development has been described. This presentation was delivered in Lyotalk 2016, Mumbai, India
From PCA to Regression: Following the Guiding Discipline
22 Apr 2013 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Rodolfo J Romañach
Short presentation on NIR Spectroscopy
Fundamentals of Freeze Drying
12 Dec 2018 | Courses | Contributor(s): Steven L Nail
Lyo-Hub Summer School
Fundamentals of Freeze Drying I: Introduction and Process Overview
30 Nov 2018 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Steven L Nail
Outline Introduction Advantages and limitations of freeze drying Product quality attributes Process overview Freezing Primary drying Secondary drying The Freezing Process Supercooling and ice nucleation Characterization of freezing...
Fundamentals of Freeze Drying II: The Freezing Process
18 Dec 2018 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Steven L Nail
OutlineThe Freezing ProcessSupercooling and ice nucleationCharacterization of freezing behaviorEstablishment of upper product temperature limit during primary drying