
LyoHUB offers NEW Short Course on Pharmaceutical Freeze Drying, “Freeze Drying: Principles and Practice

The curriculum for this new course was designed by Dr. Steven Nail and Drew Strongrich, Research Scientist at LyoHUB.

Following completion of the "Freeze Drying: Principals and Practice" course, students will be able to:

  • Identify and describe the three fundamental phases of the freeze-drying process.
  • Outline key unit operations, processes, equipment, and process monitoring methods associated with the lyophilization of parenteral products.
  • Describe product critical quality attributes, how they are measured, and the roles they play in short and long-term stability.
  • Provide a broad overview of an approach to developing and optimizing a freeze-drying process, including the use of mathematical models for common formulations and containers.
  • Discuss common deficiencies in the development and manufacturing of freeze-dried pharmaceuticals and provide information on current best-practices in industry.

Continuing Education Credit Available.

For more information and enrollment, visit