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If Dancing Is Your Passion, Teaching Dance Is Ours!

  • Experience and well-trained and educated staff that makes management and skill flow effortless.
  • Top-notch supervision and at-home feel, Boosting morale.
  •  Principal/Director of the institute Miss Cassie. is the best of the best experts we have working here. You can hope for a true pioneer lending her aid.
  • Not only grown-up, but your kids small and tender of age can start learning the basics right away in the most fun way possible.

Well, from days back that we won't be able to count dance has a history, heck it even predates history. It is a natural way for a person to express their feelings, whether it be of sadness or blissful joy.

Dance makes you move to the boot and onto the rhythm. There is hardly anyone that keeps put at the sound of music. We often see people dancing and people standing who are also dancing as they tap their feet or hands in joy.

Dance is nothing more or less than a beautiful and expressive language. It believes in practicality at the same time being out of the foundations of logic. Carrying the motto “Actions speak louder than voice”.

If dance is your passion, we here are Dance Class Mont Albert is available to guide you in the best way possible. Providing you with the stepping stones that will help you to hone your talents and achieve your goals. 

What is a dance class?

Before getting to What is a dance class? The most important question here is what do you understand. from the word itself. That is in terms of learning. Classes are often based and focused on making you learn and practice what you want to need to learn.

Similarly, dance classes are all about making you familiar with the technique and, alongside it, the very essence of dance. Be it a verbal explanation or practical implication of sorts. It all counts as long as you understand the concepts that relate and are helpful in the long run.

What is unique about Dance Class Mont Albert?

Looking at what is different here that sets it apart from the others of the same kind -

  • Experience and well-trained and educated staff that makes management and skill flow effortless.
  • Top-notch supervision and at-home feel, Boosting morale.
  •  Principal/Director of the institute Miss Cassie. is the best of the best experts we have working here. You can hope for a true pioneer lending her aid.
  • Not only grown-up, but your kids small and tender of age can start learning the basics right away in the most fun way possible.

What are the things that are included in Dance Class?

Interaction with the students and checking their affinity and comfort zones is the first and foremost key to learning.

  • Regular day-to-day classes with breaks in due course.
  • Routine practice as well as rehearsals to eliminate flaws.
  • Step by step learning. Taking things neat and slow.
  • Stress-busting exercises and warms up before practice.

Why should you choose Dance Class Mont Albert?

We offer the best of the best training. We offer you the slow but sure progress of your child.

  • With our bubs movement class, your 3-4-year-old kids can learn to sync their moves to the beat: including jumping, daycare, and all.
  •  We also offer pre-junior and junior Jazz and ballet classes. Having them learn the basics of dance and form is our goal.
  • Finally, the turn for grown kids who are ready to embrace the complex techniques and shape them into their own. 


We here at Dance Class Mont Albert invite you to join us on our journey. That is seemingly endless and rewarding to the passionate.












  1. Dance Class in Melbourne
  2. Dance Class in Mont Albert

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