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Scale Up in Rotary Calciners (SURC)
Predicts temperature distribution in rotating calciners for various particle properties and operating conditions
Version 1.1 - published on 05 Jul 2017
This tool is closed source.
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SURC is a Matlab based graphic user interface that computes the temperature distribution of particles in rotating calciners (also known as kilns or simply drums). The input parameters for SURC include the thermal, mechanical, and physical properties of the particles, and the operating conditions (such as the fill level, speed of rotation, and size of calciners). The output includes the minimum, maximum, and average temperature of the particles, and important time parameters that describe the rate of heat transfer. The theories for SURC are based on the article by Scale-up in Rotary Calciners group of Rutgers Catalyst Manufacturing Consortium. The current version is limited to particle-particle and calciner-particles heat conduction.
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