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  1. Integration of Security Operations

    In today’s threat landscape, cybersecurity has become a top priority for organizations across industries. As such, there is a growing trend towards integrating security operations with NOC services. Organizations can achieve greater visibility and control over their IT infrastructure by...

  2. Most managed firewall services

    It will vary depending on what company you use, the ongoing management and support, as well as the firewall solution. The range is quite broad, starting at around 50 and spanning all the way to 600 per month for the service. Your best option would be to request quotes from the companies that you...

  3. Challenges of Running a Help Desk

    Help desks are one of the hardest jobs in IT. The main challenge is to keep up with all the changes in technology, while also keeping customers satisfied. This means that you need to be able to quickly learn new technologies, and provide excellent customer service. Help Desk Staff face several...

  4. Detects Threats that Go Unnoticed

    In many of the most high-profile cyber-attacks recorded in the past few years, cybercriminals hid in plain sight for weeks or even months. They establish footholds within your network and bide their time, trying to evade detection and planning their next move.    An EDR is...

  5. Guest Posting for SEO Tips and Tricks

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is perhaps one of the most important. It involves optimizing a website's content and structure to increase its visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) and drive more organic traffic to the site. While there are many techniques marketers use to...

  6. impact on your business reputation

    Allowing employees to use their devices for work saves a huge amount of money. But in the absence of a proper BYOD policy, companies also lose the necessary focus to remain compliant. Vendors are extremely important when it comes to helping businesses operate. However, by transferring data to a...

  7. Cyber Insurance Makes Businesses a Target

    Cybercriminals are opportunists at heart, seeking to exploit vulnerabilities wherever they find them. Their primary goal is to find weak spots in a business’s digital defenses, and obtaining a cyber insurance policy often involves a thorough cybersecurity assessment to ensure no weak spots...

  8. Why Migrate from Sendmail to Office 365

    Microsoft takes security seriously. Office 365 is equipped with advanced security features to safeguard your sensitive data. It includes threat protection, data loss prevention, and identity and access management. It means you can focus on your business without security worries. As your business...

  9. connectivity for remote workers

    By leveraging cloud-based solutions, businesses can ensure that their employees have access to the tools they need to stay connected and productive while working from home. Cloud-based file-sharing and collaboration solutions allow teams to securely store, share, and collaborate on documents,...

  10. deploy new network services

    A centralized OSS (operational support system) can not only help improve operational efficiency by simplifying network management, but it can also provide real-time analytics, insights, and support to identify new revenue streams, reduce costs, onboard new subscribers, and increase ARPU (average...

  11. outsourcing to on-demand freelance workers

    Freelancer jobs are so prevalent because they offer a unique solution to businesses. If you need someone to help with a project, you can hire them as and when they’re required.  Consequently, you don’t need to keep them on your books all the time. It’s better than hiring...

  12. popular for digital professions

    One of the great appeals of freelancing is that it's available to just about anyone. No matter what industry you work in and what your skills are, you can probably find freelancing opportunities. It's possible to freelance digitally or to carry out work in person, everywhere from offices...

  13. engineering business model

    Operating in the engineering industry, it is common to make mistakes. These mistakes can have a serious impact on your business model and your ability to make a profit. Unnecessary blunders can drive up costs, irritate clients and generally cause upset in your business model. Some mistakes could...

  14. protecting a customer's privacy

    Maintaining customer privacy is an essential part of any business. When companies handle private information, employees must act ethically to secure customers' data. Companies should have clear procedures for protecting a customer's privacy which can be followed systematically, ensuring...

  15. How to Guest Blogging for SEO in 2023

    Guest posts are simple: you publish a post on someone else's page. Ideally you add a call to action to follow your page. The goal is to provide value to their audience, an audience that you would like to have. In exchange for that value, some of their audience will follow...

  16. Hybrid Cables

    Some homes have hybrid cables instead of plain old copper wires. Hybrid cables combine both copper and fiber optics. Like fiber optic cable, hybrid cables are very thin and look like strings of glass tubes. But unlike fiber optic cable, hybrid cable also includes copper wires. These wires allow...

  17. trusted IP address

    IP spoofing is another technique used in MITM attacks, where the attacker impersonates a trusted IP address to intercept and manipulate the communication exchange. These attacks undermine the security of encrypted communications by exploiting vulnerabilities in the communication stream. MITM...

  18. professional networking gatherings

    When beginning the process of networking and forming new relationships, try finding similarities between yourself and your conversation partner that could lead to shared goals or interests. This could open up a much more meaningful discussion, make for a more enjoyable exchange, and give way to...

  19. How Desktop Virtualization work

    With the increasing demand for remote work and the need for secure data storage, desktop virtualization has become a popular option for businesses of all sizes. It allows users to access their desktop environment from any device, anywhere in the world, while maintaining their data's security...