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popular for digital professions

One of the great appeals of freelancing is that it's available to just about anyone. No matter what industry you work in and what your skills are, you can probably find freelancing opportunities. It's possible to freelance digitally or to carry out work in person, everywhere from offices to people's homes. Whether you're a marketer, a web designer, a tutor, a plumber or an engineer, you can set up as a freelancer and be in control of your own work. While freelancing isn't practical for everyone, it's an option for almost any industry. It's especially popular for digital professions but it's certainly not limited to them.
‍Working as a freelancer has been a growing trend in recent years, and it only continues to get more popular. According to  freelancers could soon represent more than 50% of the working population in the U.S. Freelancing numbers have grown three times as quickly as the standard workforce. In the UK, France and the Netherlands, freelance work has been growing at a faster rate than overall employment. In the EU as a whole, the number of freelancers doubled between 2000 and 2014. It's clear the freelancing is on the rise, and it's continuing to be more and more popular across a range of fields. But what does that mean for the future, and is freelancing something that you should be considering?

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