Distillation Viewer for Multicomponent Separations
27 Jan 2012 | | Contributor(s):: Joshua Huff, Gautham Madenoor Ramapriya, George A. Howlett, Anirudh Arun Shenvi, Mohit Tawarmalani, Rakesh Agrawal, Haibo Zhang
Graphical interface to examine configurations generated by NLP distillation optimization
Analysis of Cake Filtration
12 Feb 2008 | | Contributor(s):: Kamal Kuriyan, Ann Christine Catlin
Filtration calculation for different types of filter cake
Compartment Modeling
21 Feb 2008 | | Contributor(s):: portillopat
Compartment Modeling Description
Dynamic Roller Compactor
02 Jan 2008 | | Contributor(s):: shsu, Kamal Kuriyan
Dynamic simulation of roller compaction for dry granulation
High Shear Mixer
07 Jan 2008 | | Contributor(s):: d s k, Avik Sarkar, Carl Wassgren
Analyze particles as they move through a high shear mixer
Roller Compactor
02 Jan 2008 | | Contributor(s):: Kamal Kuriyan
Calculate nip angle, normal and shear stresses for roller compactor using Johanson's model