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SafeRx Spreadsheets for Mapping Between Data Sources

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<h2>Spreadsheets for mapping between data sources.</h2>

<p>Spreadsheets can be used to identify relationships between data sources. Mappings can be one-to-one, many-to-one, or many-to-many. The &quot;mapped&quot; spreadsheet is created by CMSA and handed off to the SafeRX system development team for establishing that mapping within the database. New dataviews and linkages between existing dataviews will be created to directly link data between the two different sources.</p>


<h3>Defining the mapping between FAERS and NDC</h3>

<p>These spreadsheets will be used by CMSA to define a mapping betwee FAERS drugnames and NDC package codes. In the FAERS spreadsheet, the drugnames are listed in column 1 and in the NDC package codes spreadsheet, the package codes are listed in column 1. CMSA should create a spreadsheet with 2 columns: each row in column 1 will contain a FAERS drugname and column 2 will contain the mapped NDC package code for each of the FAERS drugnames.</p>

			<td width="20%">
			<img alt="image" class="contentimg" src="/app/site/resources/2018/01/00739/faers_drugnames.png" width="350px" /><br />
			<td width="40%">The unique. distinct drug names and additional specified data needed for mapping, as listed at the <a href="" target="_blank">FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS)</a> web page. The requested mapping data and source are as follows:<br />
			Drug Name &ndash; Drugs Table<br />
			Primary ID, Mfr Sndr &ndash; Demographics Table<br />
			Dose Amt, Dose Unit, Dose Form, Dose Vbm, Route &ndash; Drugs Table<br />
			<br />
			Note that the names of the drugs are extracted <b<precisely< b=""> the way they are found at FAERS. Be prepared to see &quot;different&quot; (unique) drugsnames such as the following:<br />
			: INSULIN<br />
			(INSULIN)<br />
			^INSULIN^<br />
			We can discuss a pre-processing step to combine such occurrences. </b<precisely<></td>
			<td width="40%">
			<b>CLICK FOR DATAVIEW</b><br />
			<a href="/dataviewer/view/saferx:db/faers_mapping_new/"  target="_blank">FAERS mapping dataview Numbered and without Primary ID</a><br />
			(download spreadsheets from view, the number of rows can first be filtered using the "Serial No" to restrict the number of rows in the spreadsheet you download)
			<b>CLICK TO DOWNLOAD SPREADSHEET</b><br />(each spreadsheet is FAERS data with no primary ID and has approximately 250,000 entries) <br />
<a href="/app/site/resources/2018/01/00739/FAERSmapping_1.csv"  target="_blank">FAERS spreadsheet #1</a><br />
<a href="/app/site/resources/2018/01/00739/FAERSmapping_2.csv"  target="_blank">FAERS spreadsheet #2</a><br />
<a href="/app/site/resources/2018/01/00739/FAERSmapping_3.csv"  target="_blank">FAERS spreadsheet #3</a><br />
<a href="/app/site/resources/2018/01/00739/FAERSmapping_4.csv"  target="_blank">FAERS spreadsheet #4</a><br />
<a href="/app/site/resources/2018/01/00739/FAERSmapping_5.csv"  target="_blank">FAERS spreadsheet #5</a><br />
<a href="/app/site/resources/2018/01/00739/FAERSmapping_6.csv"  target="_blank">FAERS spreadsheet #6</a><br />
<a href="/app/site/resources/2018/01/00739/FAERSmapping_7.csv"  target="_blank">FAERS spreadsheet #7</a><br />
<a href="/app/site/resources/2018/01/00739/FAERSmapping_8.csv"  target="_blank">FAERS spreadsheet #8</a><br />
<a href="/app/site/resources/2018/01/00739/FAERSmapping_9.csv"  target="_blank">FAERS spreadsheet #9</a><br />
<a href="/app/site/resources/2018/01/00739/FAERSmapping_10.csv"  target="_blank">FAERS spreadsheet #10</a><br />
<a href="/app/site/resources/2018/01/00739/FAERSmapping_11.csv"  target="_blank">FAERS spreadsheet #11</a><br />
<br />
			<b>CLICK FOR DATAVIEW</b><br />
			<a href="/dataviewer/view/saferx:db/faers_mapping/"  target="_blank">FAERS mapping dataview with Primary ID</a><br />
			(download spreadsheet from view)
			<a href="/dataviewer/view/saferx:db/faers_mapping_new/"  target="_blank">FAERS mapping dataview without Primary ID</a><br/>
			(download spreadsheet from view)
			<img alt="image" class="contentimg" src="/app/site/resources/2018/01/00739/ndc-pkg-code2.png" width="350px" /><br />
			The unique. distinct NDC package codes as listed at the <a href="" target="_blank">FDA National Drug Code Directory</a> web page. There are more than 190,000 unique package codes in the spreadsheet.</td>
			<a href="/dataviewer/view/saferx:db/ndc_combine_product_package/" target="_blank">NDC Package-Product Combined Dataview</a><br/>
                         (download spreadsheet from view)<br/><br/>
			<a href="/dataviewer/view/saferx:db/ndc_mapping/"  target="_blank">NDC product codes dataview</a></b><br />
			(download spreadsheet from view)</td>


<h2>Spreadsheets for defining mappings based on data classifications</h2>

<h3>Defining mappings for country classifications</h3>

<p>Spreadsheet mappings will be defined to classify countries according to many different criteria. The mappings will be built into the SafeRx database so that any view of the data that includes country identifiers can be grouped, searched, explored and linked according to the classification defined by CMSA. This will help CMSA answer research questions that involve information about the countries that generated the ADE reports.<br />

<h3>Click to see <a href="/dataviewer/view/saferx:db/country_classifications/" target="_blank">county classifications</a> that have been defined for SafeRx.</h3>


<p>The wishllst of country classifications is below. Any classification with a link is connected to a spreadsheet provided by CMSA with the mapping from country name to its value for a given classification Click the link to see or download the spreadsheet.</p>


	<h3><a href="/app/site/resources/2018/01/00739/CountryClassification-developedstatus.csv ">Developed, Developing, Least Developed</a></h3>
	where<br />
	<br />
	<b>Developed</b> - includes the market-oriented economies of the mainly democratic nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); also known as the First World, high-income countries, the North, industrial countries; generally have a per capita GDP in excess of $15,000 although four OECD countries and South Africa have figures well under $15,000 and eight of the excluded OPEC countries have figures of more than $20,000<br />
	<br />
	<b>Developing</b> - term used by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the bottom group in its hierarchy of advanced economies, countries in transition, and developing countries, mainly countries and dependent areas with low levels of output, living standards, and technology; per capita GDPs are generally below $5,000 and often less than $1,500; however, the group also includes a number of countries with high per capita incomes, areas of advanced technology, and rapid rates of growth; includes the advanced developing countries,<br />
	<br />
	<b>Least Developed</b> - having no significant economic growth, per capita GDPs normally less than $1,000, and low literacy rates; also known as the undeveloped countries.<br />
	<br />
	<b>Sources</b>:<br />
	<br />
	United Nations. World Economic Situation and Prospects 2015. Available at: Accessed September 21, 2015<br />
	Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook. Appendix B - International Organizations and Groups. Available at: Accessed September 21, 2015.<br />
	<br />
	<h3>Strictness of drug laws</h3>
	<h3>Legislation, regulations, guidelines</h3>
	<h3>Social/public health insurance vs private health insurance</h3>
	<h3>Roles for pharmacists</h3>

<p><br />
Using these mappings, we will create linked dataviews to help answer research questions like the following:</p>

	<li>For a selected drug or drug category, ADEs sorted in decreasing order by country or by country category. Must be able to answer the question &ldquo;How do antibiotic ADEs differ across first world countries?&rdquo;<br />
	<li>For a selected ADE , number of reports sorted in decreasing order by country with drug law classification of country. Must be able to answer the question &ldquo;Do countries with stricter drug laws see lower reporting of overdose, addiction related ADEs?&rdquo;<br />
	<li>Number of reports by drug for countries according to selected country classification:
		<li>How do countries with very similar medication legislation/regulations/guidelines as the U.S. differ?</li>
		<li>How do countries with public vs private insurance compare?<br />
	<li>Do countries with a lesser role for pharmacists have higher drug reporting, monitoring, etc. with their physicians and other practitioners?</li>

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • (2018), "SafeRx Spreadsheets for Mapping Between Data Sources,"

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