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Bandage Comparison Laboratory Experiment - Student Version and Instructor's Guide

By Alexander Vincent Jannini1, David J Krause1, Heather Malino1, Kevin Sweeney1, C.S. Slater PhD1, M.J. Savelski PhD1

1. Rowan University

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This is one of a set of experiments designed for lower level undergraduate courses. The focus of the experimental set is to introduce pharmaceutical concepts to undergraduates while also incorporating general engineering educational objectives. This contains both a student version and instructor version. In the experiment, the students compare three different types of bandages. They will be conducting this comparison based on three characteristics; adhesion, tensile strength, and absorbency. To do this, students will be using a force test system. The objectives of this experiment are: Students will compare three different types of bandages based on absorption, adhesion, and tensile strength properties. Students will gain experience using equipment for material science testing. This experiment (and the others in this set) were developed by Rowan University as part of the NSF-funded Engineering Research Center (ERC) for Structured Organic Particulate Systems (SOPS).

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Alexander Vincent Jannini; David J Krause; Heather Malino; Kevin Sweeney; C.S. Slater PhD; M.J. Savelski PhD (2014), "Bandage Comparison Laboratory Experiment - Student Version and Instructor's Guide,"

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