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Medicinal Properties of Elderberry


Elderberries are the fruits of the Sambucus tree. There are many species of Sambucus, and the one used in most health supplements today is Sambucus nigra, or Black elderberry. It is one of the most popular plants used in traditional medicine practices around the world. 

These berries are used to treat a wide range of illnesses including common colds, headaches, pains as well as constipation and urinary problems. Native Americans cook and eat the berries to cure fevers and aching joints, while ancient Egyptians used them to protect and heal their skin. In modern society, they are still available as a popular health supplement and food product.

Modern research shows that elderberries contain many compounds with properties that support their medicinal effects. Studies mainly focus on their potential to treat colds and flus, but also explore the possible treatment of many other diseases like diabetes, depression and cancer.

Boost Immunity

Vitamin C plays a vital role in strengthening immunity. Our body does not produce Vitamin C, thus we need to get them from the foods we eat. Elderberries are rich in vitamin C, containing more than 57% of the daily recommended dosage in just one cup of fruit.

They are high in dietary fiber and contain 10 grams of fiber per cup. Eating enough fiber is important in maintaining the health of our digestive system and bowels. A healthy digestive system can absorb nutrients properly, while the bowels can remove waste efficiently, thus providing support to the immune system.

Apart from vitamin C, they contain many other compounds that serve as antioxidants. Antioxidants fight against free radicals, which are harmful molecules released by the body when faced with toxic environments like tobacco smoke and ultraviolet light. These harmful molecules are also released as a by-product of the immune system when fighting foreign substances.

The antioxidants found in elderberries include phenolic acids, flavonols, as well as anthocyanins. Anthocyanin is the same pigment that gives blueberries and blackberries their distinct blue-purple colour, and they have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. In fact, Black elderberries contain five times more anthocyanins than blueberries, and have double the antioxidant effect as compared to cranberries!

Treat Colds and Flus

Today, the use of elderberries in traditional medicine focuses on curing colds and flus. Clinical trials revealed that elderberry supplements reduced the duration and symptoms of a cold. Recent studies also confirmed that the berries contain antiviral and antimicrobial properties. 

Unfortunately, as of 2021, sufficient evidence still has yet to be collected to prove the link between the consumption of elderberries and the treatment of respiratory illnesses. However, researchers consider them safe enough to be taken as a drug and could be a promising treatment for respiratory disease. This study suggests that because of their high safety profile, herbal medicines, such as the elderberry, could potentially be used to help relieve the symptoms of COVID-19, for which there is currently no cure. 

Fight Diabetes and Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US, and one main reason is due to type 2 diabetes. A person suffering from diabetes is two times more likely to have cardiovascular problems. Laboratory studies demonstrated that taking elderberry extracts reduced body fat in diabetic rats and helped to manage their blood sugar levels. 

Some also claim that elderberries can reduce the concentration of uric acid in our blood. People with higher levels of uric acid are more likely to have high blood pressure, which can then lead to heart damage. Eating foods rich in flavonoids such as anthocyanins have also been linked to cardiovascular health. However, just as with colds and flus, further tests have to be conducted to prove the direct link between elderberries and their effect on the heart.

Weight Loss

Fruits and natural supplements are popular additions to the diet when it comes to weight loss. The anthocyanins in elderberries reduce inflammation, which could be one reason preventing successful weight loss. The berries can also help to make sure that there is healthy blood circulation throughout the body. 

Furthermore, elderberries are low in calories and high in fiber, making it a perfect snack that can keep you full for longer. Together with a good diet and exercise plan, they can be very beneficial for weight loss. 

Healthy Supplement

All in all, elderberries are a fruit packed with a lot of nutrition and many useful compounds. They have excellent potential as a pharmaceutical drug used to treat different diseases in the future, however, much more research and clinical trials have to be done before that is possible. 

Still, they are great as a tasty health supplement, but it is important to remember to cook them before consumption! Raw berries are toxic and eating them could result in nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. There are many delicious ways to prepare them, including jam, juice and tea. A more convenient option is taking an elderberry supplement daily. These also come in a variety of forms such as gummies, capsules, and syrups.

  1. antimicrobial
  2. immunity
  3. vitamin c capsules