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Liposuction And Medicare: Will I Get Covered?

According to a survey in 2020, 72% of adult men and 63% of adult women throughout the globe are either overweight or obese. If you are to name things that are challenging to keep on acceptable limits, the weight would be one. But as difficult as the task of losing weight may seem, science and technology can help you shed off the extra pounds quicker with the help of current methods like liposuction. This is a surgical procedure wherein fat is suctioned out of specific body parts.

Diabetes, hypertension, kidney problems, and cellulite are among the health conditions you may develop if you are overweight or obese. The manifestations are so alarming that in many instances, the doctor will recommend undergoing procedures or taking certain products to remove excess body fat as soon as possible. However, the decision of whether to proceed or not with your doctor's treatment plan relies significantly on your finances.

The first thing that many individuals wonder about as soon as they decide to undergo liposuction is if Medicare and other medical insurances will cover the expenses. If you are curious to know more about lipomelt, here you can get more info about it. In general, liposuction is deemed as an optional procedure, thereby not covered by federal health insurance. However, Medicare may shoulder a portion of the expenses if it is proven to be vital for one's health condition. 

Liposuction: When Is It Medically Called For?

    The liposuction will be deemed vital for the patient's health and safety if it is done to…

•    Take out fat tissue from men with gynecomastia.
•    Repair the patient's breast/s after undergoing mastectomy.
•    Transfer fat from a certain area to another in patients who sustained severe burn or injury.
•    Improve the leg mobility of patients with lymphedema by removing deposits of fat in the limb/s.
•    Remove a big chunk of fatty growth without leaving a scar or minimizing it at the very least.
•    Decrease the fatty tissues in a certain body part in preparation for surgery or another procedure like a colostomy.
•    Transfer fat from one area to another that has sustained fat atrophy to alleviate discomfort in that body part.

The Kind of Medicare Coverage You Can Get

What the federal health insurance will cover depends on the kind of Medicare you possess. If you qualify, below are the possible financial aid that you may avail of.

•    Medicare Part A. This helps with expenses for hospitalization, hospice care, or admission to a skilled nursing facility.
•    Medicare Part B. Coverage may shoulder outpatient treatments and services done in the doctor's office, clinic, or hospital.
•    Medicare Part C or Medicare Advantage. This offers the same coverage as that parts A and B but with extra benefits.

Like what is mentioned above, you have to persuade Medicare that liposuction is imperative for you. So aside from discussing the matter with your physician and bringing a written recommendation from him/her, prepare supplemental documents detailing your medical predicament and care that you have received. These can strengthen your claim. It would also be ideal to call Medicare before filing to check your eligibility.


  1. Ultimate Light

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