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More and more people are suffering anxiety and depression. It’s estimated that half of people with anxiety disorders have some sort of depressive disorder. Most people have experienced anxiety, depression and sadness. Distressing experiences such as losing a loved one or having your heart broken are possible causes.

Everyone has lulls when they feel down and depressed for a couple of days. Some of us are quick to recover while others may take more time. People who feel like this all the time and for long periods are likely to be suffering from anxiety and depression.

They might feel apprehensive like something bad is going to happen and always expect the worse. Extreme tiredness is common as well as sleep problems. Many avoid social interaction and avoid going out unless they have to.

It can be extremely difficult to live with either condition let alone both. Although medication can sometimes help there can be lots of unwanted side effects. Also, sufferers find that when they build tolerance the drug becomes ineffective. Many sufferers go from medication to the next as each one loses its effectiveness.

Medication only tackles the symptoms of anxiety and depression, therefore in the long run it’s not the best choice. Anxiety and depressive disorders have been treated successfully with therapy. By positively changing our behavior and routine it’s possible to treat anxiety and depressive symptoms effectively.

It’s no surprise that sufferers feel that they have a bleak future. They are at a greater risk of self-harm and even suicide. Often recreational drugs and alcohol are turned to help ease symptoms.

Alcohol is often used as a way to escape. Those that suffer from social anxiety may drink for different reasons. When socializing, alcohol is consumed as a means to reduce anxiety and stress.

Consumed to help boost mood by sufferers, ironically alcohol is a depressant. Those that become dependent find themselves with more problems than they started with. For people who drink heavily they are at risk of developing psychosis and dementia.

When the effects of alcohol wear off, sufferers feel sad, depressed and hopeless. As their tolerance builds up, they may drink more. Alcohol worsens anxiety and depression in the long turn and makes it harder to overcome.

Alcohol should not be relied on to reduce anxiety and depression especially for those taking medication. It’s vital to seek professional help if you think that you have a drink problem. Get the help to eliminate anxiety from your life.

  1. anxiety
  2. depression
  3. Stress

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