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Top Reasons To Buy Unranked Lol Smurf Account

Rather than signing up for a free lol account, there are several benefits that one can enjoy by buying a lol smurf account. One of the most challenging things to do in lol game is to level up from low rank to higher rank. Therefore, you can start to play from a higher rank and enjoy the fun of the game. Regardless of the level, you want to play on the lol game, choosing to buy an unranked lol smurf account is a great idea. This article discusses some of the top reasons why it is essential to purchasing an unranked lol smurf account. Those reasons include;


Want to play higher ranks


If you need to enjoy playing league of legend games, you need to play a higher rank. Begin to play the low levels after signing up will cost you a lot of time and make you get bored quickly. Thus, if you need to start by playing higher ranks, it is essential to consider buying an unranked lol smurf account. According to a simple calculation from the pro lol players, one needs to spend about 90 to 140 hours to reach level 30. You may also require spending a lot of money buying the boosters to help you reach levels easily. Therefore, to get straight to your preferred levels, buy a lol smurf account. 


I need to play with lower-ranked friends


Accepting to play with a lower-ranked friend is fun. That is because you use the skills learns in higher ranks to win easily against them. Therefore, the lol smurf account allows you to play with higher-ranked friends and play with lower-ranked friends. Thus, you will be able to enjoy any level that you need quickly. 


Want to save time 


Do you want to achieve higher ranks within the shortest time possible on lol game? It would help if you considered getting a lol account to play higher ranks without playing the lower ranks. By getting an unranked lol smurf account, you will be able to save time that you could have used to level to a higher position. That is because you can play a higher rank at the start. 


We need to have a backup account


Various things may make your account get blocked. When your main account gets blocked, it means you cannot access the lol game anymore unless you open another free account and play games up to the previous level you had reached. Therefore, to avoid wasting more time to level up in case your primary account gets blocked, then you need to buy an unranked lol smurf account to serve as a backup option.


Lastly, some of the other reasons you need to Buy an unranked LoL Smurf Account on North America include free RP and BE, when stuck in ELO hell, and need to experience a new region.

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