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Activate Merchant Services To Accept Payment With Quickbooks point of sale

QuickBooks Point of Sale is a powerful payments option. It permits you to process customer transactions instantly, track inventory, and more. Here, we'll Explain Ways to activate merchant solutions to accept payments with QuickBooks Point of Sale
Setup your own Merchant accounts for accept payments with QuickBooks Point of Sale.To begin, log into the Admin user on the QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale Server pc follow the steps below to trigger Merchant Services.

Complete the QuickBooks Desktop Line of Sale Approval Mail

1) Open the Approval Mail which has been sent for this particular Merchant accounts.
2) Select the Produce or support User ID button.
3) Input the Right credentials and choose Save to finish the Approval Mail activation.
4) Follow the steps below to join the Merchant accounts to your applications.

Connect your Merchant accounts to some Point of Sale

1) Install and start QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale.
2) In the File menu, then choose Setup Interview, then go to the tab.
3) Select Yes to accept debit and credit cards.
4) Select Sign In and input Merchant Service credentials (email/password) for Point of Sale Merchant account.
5) Choose the right account related to your sign-in qualifications.
6) A verification window appears indicating you've connected QuickBooks Desktop Line of Sale using Merchant Services.
7) When finished, select Done.
8) You're now ready to accept debit and credit cards

Here is the steps through which you can activate merchant services to accept payments with quickbooks point of sale. If you are still facing problems to activate services you can contact our quickbooks customer service for quick assistance.

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