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Utility of Compression Garments

For many, compression garments are meant for sportsmen only. But that's not true! From the Olympics to the jogging tracks that you visit every morning, compression garments are one of your best companions. At times they are mandatory and at times not. Nevertheless, compression garments have their unique set of virtues and benefit the user in different spheres of life. 

Let’s look at it from the athlete’s point of view

The best thing that compression garments do to athletes is that it enhances their performance on the fields and tracks. Performance improvement is achieved because compression garments – 

  • Betters the oxygen flow to the muscles and therefore reduces muscle fatigue

  • The level of exertion and pressure (on the muscles) is also reduced

  • They make athletes feel lighter and increase the power of their limbs

  • They ensure lesser friction while the athlete is performing on the tracks!

  • Resistance based workouts like weightlifting seem less strenuous

[Read Also: Medical Compression garments - 5 Reasons to Consider Before Shopping]

For recovery purposes

By ‘recovery’ here, we mean to say a lot of things. Speaking of post-surgical recoveries, lymphedema is one common ailment that needs compression garments in its line of treatment. When lymph nodes are removed during surgery, the fluid flow in the limbs is affected. Compression garments correct this fluid flow, thus reducing pain and inflammation. 

It’s not about surgical instances only, the post-workout muscle soreness is greatly relieved with the use of compression gear. 

Treating ulcers, DVT, varicose veins

Whether affected with a DVT (deep vein thrombosis) or is at a high risk of developing the same, a pair of medically fitted compression socks or tights would be prescribed for you. A similar line of treatment follows for varicose veins. The garment helps squeeze the lower part of the legs. This alleviates swelling and also aids in the backflow of the blood in your veins to your heart!

Medical compression garments also come in the graded variant. Say, in case of a foot ulcer, after proper cleaning and application of antibiotics, a graded compression stocking may be prescribed for a quicker healing process!

Looking for compression garments? Garner Supply is a US based company providing durable medical as well as healthcare products at your doorstep. We also provide valuable insights on medical devices and how to use them efficiently to live their best lives at

  1. compression garment
  3. Medical device

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