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The 3 Best Oils For Skin Care That Will Leave Your Face Matte!

I love oils. I use them on my body, on my body, on my hair, etc. The oils are just amazing and I generally limit myself to only using organic, cold pressed, unrefined oils as I think these are the best as they retain much of the healing. properties inherent in these that can benefit my skin, hair and inside if they are oils that can be consumed.

3 best oils for skin care

1. Emu oil

I only use it on my face because it's quite expensive for the amount you get. If I had to pick a big winner it would be Emu Oil, although the others on my list are also great. When I use emu oil, I have more days to look at myself in the mirror because of its softness and amazing appearance!

Emu Oil is definitely one of the best skin care oils you can use and you will be amazed at how matte your skin will look while feeling hydrated. After application, it is quickly absorbed by the skin to give your skin a matte appearance.

One thing to remember about emu oil, especially if you are trying to avoid animal products, is that this oil is made from the emu bird native to Australia and New Zealand. -Zeeland.

Emu oil is obtained after harvesting the meat of birds, which means that this oil cannot be obtained if the bird is alive. All parts of birds are used in one way or another. Hide or leather are commonly used in the clothing industry in Europe, meat can replace beef, while the oil has many healing properties when applied topically. It should not be taken internally. Each bird can produce around 5 liters of oil, which is then subjected to a refining process that varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Try to use only the best quality that does not contain contaminants or other ingredients contained in the oil, because if the refining process is excellent, there will be no need for other ingredients including preservatives. , so the best oil to use should say 100% emu oil.

Emu oil is truly an amazing oil that contains many anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties as well as anti-inflammatory properties that can help heal the skin, which is why it is commonly recommended for those who suffer from dementia. acne, psoriasis, eczema and many other skin problems and is also commonly used in burns to help the skin heal.

2. Hemp oil

Although this one is made from the Cannabis sativa plant, which is most commonly used to make recreational marijuana, using this oil unlike drugs will not require you to stop testing for. drug testing. There is a misconception that hemp contains THC, which is the main psychoactive component of the cannabis plant, but this is not true.

Not only do I consider hemp seed oil to be one of the best skin care oils, but I also use it on my hair and take it internally because it has the perfect ratio of omega 6 to acids. essential fats (EFAs) for omega 3 found in nature.

I usually add a tablespoon to my morning smoothie. These fatty acids, along with many other healing properties found in hemp oil when taken internally, will help promote overall health and well-being while protecting you from various chronic diseases and conditions.

3. Rose-hip oil

This is another herbal oil which is one of the best skin care oils that will be quickly absorbed into your skin to leave it matte but hydrated.

Rose-hip oil is made from the seeds of rose bushes grown primarily in South America. It is one of the most beneficial skin care oils because it is packed with vitamins, antioxidants and essential fatty acids (EFAs) known to correct dark spots, moisturize dry and itchy skin, reduce scars and fine lines. very good, besides helping to treat many other skin problems.

Again, just use organic, unrefined, cold pressed rose-hip oil as it will be packed with these various healing properties.

These in my book are the best skin care oils you can use to hydrate your skin without looking oily / oily or just one of the best oils.

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