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Excessive Sweating Treatment: How to Talk to Your Doctor about it?

It is pretty normal to sweat when you are anxious or hot. But, if you are soaking through your shirt and socks every day, you may have a serious medical problem known as Hyperhidrosis. It is suggested to see a doctor instead of hiding this medical condition because you can’t overlook excessive sweating for a long time. Gladly, Behandeling overmatig zweten is possible, and you can spend a confident life without worrying about unusual sweat.

Usually, people feel embarrassed about this problem and don’t know how to discuss the problem with a doctor.

No worries if you are among those people because we have made this entire process simpler for you.

Read out the current discussion and ensure that your first appointment is no sweat.

When to Call your doctor About Excessive Sweating?

Do you want to know if you have Hyperhidrosis or not?

Here are some clues for you;

  • The excessive sweat soaks your shirt, pants and socks.
  • You are sweating without any exercise or heavy workout.
  • You sweat at night, and heavy sweat ruins your bedsheet.
  • You sweat when it's cold outside.
  • You experience some other underlying health conditions, including unusual weight loss, heart palpitations and chest pain.

We understand the clues mentioned above are worrisome. But don’t worry; they all are curable. You need to find a professional primary health care doctor for this purpose who recommends the best possible treatment.

How to Discuss Excessive Sweating Issue with Your Doctor?

Once you have found out the most suitable doctor for your treatment, the next key step is to discuss your current condition with him. Remember, your first visit to a doctor's clinic helps you identify a little more about sweating patterns. Also, you get to know more about what triggers heavy sweating.

It is suggested to keep a diary with you during your initial visits. You can note down the information about the following concerns;

  • How many times a day do you change your clothes due to bizarre sweating?
  • Do you take a shower once or twice a day?
  • Are you using any specific soap?
  • How do you control excessive sweating? Are you taking any special medicine for this purpose?
  • How Hyperhidrosis affects your personal and professional life? Are you losing friends due to this embarrassing health condition? Do you cancel last-minute plans to avoid further embarrassment?
  • Does heavy sweating cause skin irritation or allergy?
  • Does Hyperhidrosis affect you emotionally? Do you feel sad and angry because of it?

You must know the answer to all these questions mentioned above. It helps a doctor to suggest an ideal treatment for you.

Things to Expect at Your Doctor’s Office

Generally, your doctor asks about sweating- when it occurs and factors that trigger it. Additionally, he inquires about your medical history or a medical condition you have. Try to keep (or remember the name) the medicines you are taking for Hyperhidrosis or any other medical health condition.

The medical exam by a doctor mostly includes;

  • Lab tests to confirm whether you have any other medical health issues (including heart problems, diabetes and thyroid etc.) or not.
  • Tests for hyperhidrosis. The starch-iodine test is conducted to determine whether you have Hyperhidrosis or not. The specific type of paper is applied to the particular area of a body. If it turns blue, you have Hyperhidrosis and vice versa.

Based on your medical history and tests, the doctor determines whether you have primary or Secondary Hyperhidrosis.

What is Primary Hyperhidrosis

This most common cause of excessive sweating is not due to any critical medical condition. Usually, this problem is genetic and causes excess sweating on the palm, feet's soles and armpits.

What is Secondary Hyperhidrosis

This is quite serious as several medical conditions (including cancer and infection etc.) cause this problem. Sometimes, taking medicines (like antidepressants) for a long time also triggers the issue.

An Ideal Treatment for Hyperhidrosis

Once your doctor identifies the sweating problem you have, he suggests a suitable treatment for it. Generally, the doctor recommends antiperspirants, iontophoresis to resolve the issue of secondary Hyperhidrosis permanently.

Botox and dermal fillers are considered the perfect treatment for primary Hyperhidrosis. Botox injection blocks the nerve signals that trigger sweat glands in the human body.

However, before you opt for any appropriate treatment, it is suggested to discuss its cost, side-effects, risks and effective period in detail. You must know about all such things in the first place. Also, ask your doctor if health insurance covers treatment costs or not. Mostly, there are no insurance policies for cosmetic treatments, including dermal filler and Botox. You need to manage all your expenses on your own.

So, choose a skilled doctor for this purpose and treat excessive sweating without any further delay.

  1. Botox injection

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