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Hemp CBD Oil for Your Skin

In the last few years, hemp seed oil has been typically referred to as 'hemp oil'. Its harvest is conducted through the cold pressing of hemp seeds by varying manufacturers. It is a type of oil that is unrefined and possesses a clear green tinge as well as a nutty flavor. However, it is critical to note that hemp CBD oil is distinctive of cannabidiol oil in that the latter is derived from the cannabis plant. Besides, cannabidiol oil makes use of both hemp flowers and leaves in its production. Hempseed oil, on the other hand, gets derived from hemp seed itself and in most cases does not have any traces of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). For this reason, hemp oil has been found to contain numerous health benefits, particularly to the skin. This article looks at how it works.

The Benefits of Hemp Oil for Your Skin

Whenever you use hemp seed oil, your skin benefits through the following ways:

Moderation of Oil Production- Hemp oil is ideal for numerous skin types. The reason for this is that it has the ability to moisturize your skin without having to clog the skin pores. Besides, it readily balances oily skins through both hydration and the regulation of oil production which is ideal.  

Soothing Inflammation- In addition to effectively moisturizing the skin, hemp oil also acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory. It has omega-6 fatty acids in the form of gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) that end up encouraging new cell generation hence skin growth. These fatty acids also come in handy with the irritation and inflammation of the skin. As such, people with conditions such as acne and psoriasis will find hemp oil ideal in their skincare routines.

Anti-aging Properties- Another critical advantage of hemp oil for your skin is that it has unique anti-aging properties. It has been known to famously minimize wrinkles and fine lines while at the same time preventing the symptoms of skin aging from developing. Both the oleic and linoleic acids found in the oil are typically not produced in the body but are crucial in the anti-aging process of the skin.

Methods of Usage

To get the numerous skin benefits of using hemp oil, numerous methods of usage have been devised. These include:

Topical Use- This is the most recognized method of consumption. You are obliged to typically apply the hemp oil on your skin directly. It works for individuals that might have dry skin patches or immediate irritation which requires immediate soothing. You are always advised to conduct a patch test so as t avoid any unwanted reactions.

Oral Use- In this method, you are obliged to ingest your oil. It ends up giving the same benefits to your skin as with the first method of consumption. Besides, oral use is unique in that it does not expose your skin to breakouts or irritation. Another benefit is that through innovation, you can always get rid of the hemp oil taste by mixing it with smoothies, salads or even getting the flavored versions.

From the above, it is clear that hemp oil will have numerous benefits on your skin irrespective of whether it is consumed orally or applied topically. If you are unsure of the best method for your case or even if you experience some side effects, do not hesitate to consult with your doctor.

  1. cannabidiol

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