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What Is Mold Toxicity?

It's a controversial diagnosis. However, whether it's the most accurate term for the issue doesn't alter this fact: the presence of mold may make you sick. Additionally, the symptoms can be extreme when exposed for a long time.

Many doctors don't want to use"mold toxicity" or "mold toxicity" because the particular issue is difficult to pinpoint.

In this article, symptoms of toxicity to mold are not specific to the mold toxicity issue. They are actually akin to symptoms of a variety of other health issues.

Certain people may develop symptoms of flu or be suffering due to seasonal allergy. The more severe symptoms, such as vertigo or digestive problems can be caused by other issues. Similar is the case for neurological disorders that can develop after long exposure.

Related: Symptoms And Warning Signs Of Mold Toxicity Or Poisoning

How do you determine whether your symptoms stem from the toxicity of mold? Why are we discussing the issue at the HVAC website? '

The first question will be addressed throughout the the piece. In the case of our second query: Being the world's leading provider of mini split cleaning Our HydroKleen208 technicians encounter lots of mold in workplaces and homes.

They've also seen the consequences it can have on tenants, homeowners and even employees.

Sometimes, our clients contact us when they are aware of an issue with mold or simply because the air in their house is spongy or smells unhealthy. Sometimes, we receive calls due to their ductless system not operating properly and we uncover an issue with mold.

What Is Mold Toxicity?

The 10 warning signs of mold toxicity is an illness that is caused through exposure to the biotoxins found in the mold spores. The symptoms can become persistent, which means they do not get better until a person isn't around the toxic mold. These range from physical illnesses to neurological and psychological issues.

The medical profession is split on whether the ill effects of mold are real. There is a wealth of evidence that indicates that it is an issue for health that is legitimate.

Some experts believe it's a mistake since the symptoms can be a reflection of other health problems. The issue is that it's best defined by more established terminology, which we'll look at in this article.

Mold Toxicity Vs. Mold Allergy

Certain people are sensitive to mold like others to pollen. The immune system overreacts to spores and cause eye irritation and wheezing. They also experience coughing, wheezing congestion of the nose and other typical symptoms of allergy. It is also possible to develop rashes.

Patients with asthma may also suffer from asthma attacks or difficulty breathing, which is another reason to keep your home free of mold spores you breathe into.

Related: Excellent Indoor Air Quality At Home Is Crucial For People With Asthma

However, unlike mold toxicity, allergies don't cause chronic symptoms. They disappear after a person hasn't been around the mold any longer.

10 Early Warning Signs Of Mold Toxicity

The signs and early warning indicators of toxicity from mold can be confused with other ailments. If you're having a lot of these symptoms, it's possible that mold could be the reason:

  1. Itchy, Watery Eyes
  2. Headaches
  3. Wheezing Or Asthma Attacks
  4. Frequent Coughing
  5. Hives Or Rashes
  6. Episodes Of Vertigo
  7. Diarrhea, Nausea, And Abdominal Pain
  8. Metallic Tights In Your Mouth
  9. " Brain Fog" Or Trouble Concentrating
  10. Joint Pain, Aches, Or Muscle Cramps

Related: How Long Before Black Mold Kills You?

As you can see, these signs can begin with minor respiratory issues that can progress to headaches or itching resulting from an allergy to mold. But, they get more serious, including digestive issues neurological and physical issues.

If you suspect there may be a mold problem in your house and are experiencing these symptoms, consult your physician immediately. Then, contact a mold expert to check your home for mold spores.

You'll want to ease the symptoms and get to the issue's root.

If you've got an ductless mini split within your house, then the issue may be a result of your cooling and heating system.

  1. 10 warning signs of mold toxicity
  2. ozone therapy for mold toxicity
  3. warning signs of mold

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