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Common iOS Update Issues and How to Fix Them

iOS 14.7.1 is uit: verhelpt irritante Apple Watch-bug - iCreate

Apple’s updates are known to have bugs and issues. Some are minor and can be fixed quickly. Others are bigger and require more time to be fixed. Here are some common ios update issue  and how to fix them. They include: 1. The iPhone software update server could not be contacted.


1. Unable to Check for Update


It's important to update your iOS device regularly, as updates often include bug fixes that help resolve issues you may be experiencing. However, sometimes the update process can go wrong and your iDevice can get stuck at the Apple logo during the installation process.


This is most likely because your iDevice does not have enough storage space to download and install the update. During the update process, your iPhone or iPad will remove apps that you no longer use to make room for the new software. If you don't have enough free storage, the update will fail and your iDevice will be unable to check for an update.


To fix this issue, free up some space on your iDevice and try to download the update again. It will take a while to complete the download and update process, so it's best to do this while your iDevice is connected to Wi-Fi rather than cellular data.


2. Slow Installation


Apple releases new updates to fix bugs and provide more features. However, many users have encountered problems when installing an iOS update. For example, it may take a long time to download or the process might be interrupted in the middle of installation. This can be frustrating, especially when you need to use your iPhone or iPad for important tasks.


Sometimes the issue is related to Apple servers that are down for maintenance. If millions of users try to download the update at the same time, it can overload the servers and make them unreachable. In this case, you can wait a while until the servers come back online or try using another method to install the update, such as resetting your device. If this doesn’t help, try a software repair tool like WooTechy iPhixer.


3. Frozen Screen


Many people download iOS updates because they fix security issues that could make their iPhones vulnerable to hacking. However, some users complain about their iPhones getting frozen during the installation process.


This can be due to too much traffic on Apple servers as millions of users try to access them. This is understandable but will only last for a while until the servers are able to cope with all the requests.


In the meantime, you can try to restart your iDevice and wait for it to unfreeze. You can also try to close all apps that are running on your iPhone, using the home button or double tapping it. You can also use the more advanced but time-consuming solutions on our article about solving iPhone Screen Frozen problems.


4. Unresponsive Touchscreen


When a touchscreen stops responding to touch, it can make your mobile device completely unusable. While it’s common to assume that the problem is hardware related and requires professional attention, there are a number of troubleshooting solutions that you can try before you decide to call in a technician.


The first step is to rule out a software bug or problem with a specific app. This can often be done by removing a screen protector or case and testing the touchscreen without these accessories. Also, try restarting the device. This may seem like a simple solution, but it’s one of the most effective ways to solve a touchscreen that isn’t responding to touch. It will shut down the system and refresh any apps that may have crashed in the background.


5. Stuck in Boot Loop


If you are facing an issue where the new iOS update gets stuck and fails to install, it can be quite frustrating. Here are some quick and effective solutions that can help you fix this problem.


The first thing you should do is to make sure that there is enough space on your device. This is because the new software patch can take up a lot of space. You can also try clearing out some apps or data to free up space.


Another common iOS update problem is when the device is stuck in a boot loop. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as a hardware issue or a bad connection. You can try restarting your device or removing the battery to solve this problem.


  1. ios update issue

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