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Pressure level 1 is unique in that it is so gentle that slow speed is necessary to monitor it. Therapists move through gliding and kneading slowly, to ensure full hand contact without displacing more than the skin. Generally, this watchful approach is not necessary when using higher pressure levels.Pressure level 2, heavy lotioning, is a shade deeper than light lotioning; it  is commonly  body massage in pune used to “rub the lotion in” so that no excess lubricant pools or drips. Here, slight displacement of the superfi cial adipose layer and superfi cial muscle occurs, as seen in Figure 2-1. Unlike pressure level 1, slow speed is not necessary to monitor this pressure. It is less precise and gentle than level 1, so it can be applied at any speed. Think of rubbing sunscreen or body lotion into a small child’s skin—after a bath or in a hurry on the way out the door! Pressure level 2 does not have to be delivered as carefully as level 1, and it involves pressing the lubricant into the skin to rub it in, rather than simply gliding across the skin as in level 1.


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