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Maintaining Paving Slabs for Longevity in Cambridge Landscapes


Proper maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity and beauty of paving slabs in Paving slabs Cambridge landscapes. Despite their durability, exposure to weather elements and regular use can take a toll on paving surfaces over time. At Vivconstruct, we emphasize the importance of routine maintenance to preserve the integrity and aesthetics of outdoor spaces.

Cleaning and Sealing

Regular cleaning is essential to prevent dirt, debris, and stains from accumulating on paving slabs. Depending on the material, surfaces can be cleaned with a mild detergent solution and a stiff brush or pressure washer. Additionally, applying a sealant helps protect paving slabs from moisture penetration, UV damage, and color fading, prolonging their lifespan and enhancing their appearance.

Weed and Moss Control

Weeds and moss can detract from the beauty of paved surfaces and compromise their structural integrity if left unchecked. Regularly removing weeds and moss by hand or using herbicidal treatments helps prevent them from taking root between paving joints. Installing a weed membrane beneath paving slabs during installation can also help inhibit weed growth and minimize maintenance efforts.

Repairs and Replacements

Despite proper maintenance, Paving slabs Newmarket may occasionally require repairs or replacements due to damage or wear and tear. Cracked, chipped, or sunken slabs should be promptly repaired to prevent further damage and maintain the integrity of the paved surface. In cases of extensive damage or deterioration, replacing individual slabs or sections may be necessary to ensure the longevity and functionality of the paved area.


Effective maintenance is essential for preserving the longevity and aesthetics of paving slabs in Cambridge landscapes. By implementing routine cleaning, sealing, weed control, and timely repairs, residents can extend the lifespan of their paving surfaces and enjoy beautiful outdoor spaces for years to come. With Vivconstruct's maintenance tips and services, maintaining paving slabs has never been easier.

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