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  1. When Does One Need Revision Breast Reduction Surgery?

    The way a woman feels about her breasts can have a big effect on her emotional and mental health. When a woman's breasts change significantly in terms of size, shape, or feel, she may experience intense sadness. Breast reduction surgery helps women feel better about...

  2. How Effective Is Breast Lift Surgery?

    Droopy breasts are one of the major concerns for females. This is a common sign of ageing when skin starts losing its elasticity. But many females experience this issue in their early ages and search for an effective method to correct the sagginess of the breast. Concerning this, a plastic...

  3. Who Can Go For Breast Lift Surgery?

    With advancing age, breast skin tends to lose its elasticity and cause the breasts to sag over time. In addition to ageing, someone’s family history, pregnancy, breastfeeding, gravity, or considerable weight loss can all contribute to sagging breasts. In such a case, breast lift surgery can...

  4. Gynecomastia: Facts to Know About Male Breast Reduction Surgery

    A man’s chest is often considered a symbol of manliness, and having a firm chest is what every man dreams of. But sometimes this dream can turn into a nightmare if one develops gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a condition where men develop excessive breast tissue and feel embarrassed to wear...

  5. Aestiva Clinic: Gynecomastia/Male Breast Reduction Surgeon in Delhi

    Are you losing your confidence due to the enlargement of your male chest? Book an appointment with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, the best male breast reduction surgeon in Delhi, at Aestiva Clinic to get rid of it with gynecomastia surgery. The expert surgeon offers world-class treatment options that...

  6. Avail the Benefits of Male Breast Reduction at an Affordable Price

    Male breast reduction, also called gynecomastia surgery, is a procedure performed to eliminate the excess fatty tissues in the chest area. For a lot of men, this procedure can improve their self-confidence and help them achieve their ideal body. There are several factors that affect male breast...

  7. Know Breast Enlargement Cost in Delhi

    Breast augmentation is one of the most sought-after cosmetic surgeries. If one is interested in undergoing the surgery, one would definitely want to know how much breast enlargement costs in Delhi. There are a range of factors that affect the cost of breast augmentation. These include the cost of...

  8. How Can Breast Reduction Surgery Help Females?

    If one is uncomfortable with having heavier or larger breasts and experiences physical pain or struggles with self-esteem because of this, one can consider getting breast reduction surgery. Wondering whether it is the right procedure? Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a renowned plastic surgeon, will be...

  9. How To Tell If You Should Get A Breast Lift

    Many women across the globe are unhappy with their breasts size and shape. They feel less confident hence some of them work harder to achieve the desired goal. Breast lift is a cosmetic plastic surgery for such women to consider.    In this blog, Dr. Mrinalini Sharma a highly...

  10. Breast Augmentation With Saline and Silicone Implants

    Breast implants are prostheses that are implanted into the breast tissue in order to change (enhance) the size and shape of the breasts. Saline implants, silicone implants, and alternative composition implants are the three types. This type of surgery necessitates cutting-edge equipment and...

  11. Reduce the Male Breast Size With Gynecomastia Surgery

    Gynecomastia surgery decreases the size of men's breasts while flattening and improving the chest outlines. The weight of extra breast tissue may cause the breasts to sag and strain the areola in severe cases of gynecomastia (the dark skin surrounding the nipple). In certain circumstances,...

  12. Breast Reduction Cost at Aestiva Clinic

    Breast reduction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that reduces the size and weight of large and heavy breasts. By removing excess breast tissue, fat, and sagging, stretched skin, a cosmetic surgeon makes the breasts smaller, lighter, and firmer and also improves breast symmetry, and eliminates...

  13. What is a Male Breast Reduction?

    The most successful known therapy for gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts, is male breast reduction. This cosmetic surgery eliminates extra fat and glandular tissue from the chest to restore a flatter, firmer, and more manly shape. Some males get larger breasts due to heredity, the use of...

  14. Dr. Mrinalini Sharma - Breast lift surgeon in Delhi

    Anyone looking for a breast lift surgeon in Delhi can visit Dr. Mrinalini Sharma at Aestiva Clinic. Dr. Mrinalini is a qualified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast lift, reduction, implant, and male breast reduction (gynecomastia). She smartly performs this treatment with only three...

  15. Boost your confidence with Breast Enlargement Surgery in Delhi

    Breast augmentation sometimes referred to as breast enlargement surgery is a cosmetic operation that entails enlarging a woman's breasts using implants or fat grafting. Many women in Delhi experience discomfort as a result of underdeveloped, sagging, or tiny breasts. Their looks can be...

  16. Breast Augmentation Surgery: Who Can Opt For It?

      Breast augmentation aka augmentation mammoplasty is a general operation done to enhance the shape, size, and fullness of the breasts. The surgery involves placing breast implants under the breast tissues or chest muscles or undergoing autologous fat grafting. It is normally known as...