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Preparing for Success: Excelling in PMI PMP [2023]

Preparing for Success: Excelling in PMI PMP [2023]


PMI PMP Certification: Changes from the Old Exam to the New PMP Exam

In response to industry demands and changing project management practices, the Project Management Institute (PMI) has introduced the updated Project Management Professional (PMP) certification exam. This new version, known as the PMP Exam (PMP New), is now being taken by numerous professionals seeking to validate their knowledge of the latest project management standards. If you are considering pursuing the PMP certification, it is crucial to understand the key differences between the old PMP exam and the updated PMP New exam.

The PMP New certification stands out because it consolidates all the previous domains into one comprehensive examination. This means that all the separate topics that were covered in the previous exams, such as Project Integration Management, Scope Management, Schedule Management, Cost Management, Quality Management, Resource Management, Communications Management, Risk Management, Procurement Management, and Stakeholder Management, are now integrated into one cohesive exam. This change makes the PMP New certification a valuable long-term investment, as it demonstrates your expertise across a broad range of relevant project management skills. In this article, we will delve into the details of the PMP New exam and compare it with the outgoing PMP exam to prepare you thoroughly for the upgraded certification.

Is There Still a Need for the PMP New Exam and the Old PMP Exam?

Professionals aspiring to earn their Project Management Professional (PMP) certification previously opted for the PMP exam. To attain this credential, candidates had two options:

  1. Complete all the required content on the PMP exam.
  2. Complete two exams specially designed for those with limited project management experience: the 100-105 Project Management Fundamentals and the 200-105 Advanced Project Management.

Individuals who already possessed some project management knowledge were advised to take the composite exam, as it provided a more comprehensive evaluation of their abilities. Successfully passing the old PMP exam also lays a strong foundation for the PMP New exam, which is an upgraded version of the former. This background knowledge will significantly aid candidates in the new certification's Project Management domain.

Explain the Changes between the Old PMP Exam and the PMP New Exam

There aren't any significant differences between the two exams. The PMP New Exam and the old PMP Exam are both offered in English (UK) and Japanese, respectively, and both contribute towards the associate-level certification. However, it is essential to be aware of important distinctions.

The old PMP Exam consisted of 60-70 questions and lasted for 90 minutes. In contrast, newly certified professionals reported that they were given 120 minutes to answer approximately 102 questions on the PMP New exam. Both exams encompass a wide variety of question types, including multiple-choice, single-choice, simulations, examples, drag-and-drop, and fill-in-the-blanks. To better prepare for the exam, it is recommended that you practice answering questions in these formats.

On a scale from 0 to 1000, a passing score for the PMP New certification exam typically falls between 750 and 800. It's important to note that the weightage of each section may vary depending on the difficulty level of the questions included in that section. Candidates are not aware of the relative importance of each question. Therefore, extensive research is crucial to maximize your chances of success.

The PMP New exam covers similar content to that of the old PMP exam. Therefore, it is vital to allocate time and effort to learn and master project management techniques, including WAN technologies, IPv4 and IPv6 routing technologies, network foundations, service administration, and security. Utilize a wide range of resources to enhance your understanding of these topics.

The registration process for the PMP New exam is the same as for any other PMP certification exam. Both computer-based exams at a Pearson VUE examination facility and online proctored exams with remote monitoring are available. Registration for both types of PMP New exams is centrally managed through Pearson VUE. If you don't already have an account, you will need to pay the exam fee, agree to the policies, and provide acceptable identification information. If you already have an account, you can choose your preferred payment method and exam delivery method after logging in.


The PMP New exam reflects the evolution of project management practices. Adequate and early preparation is essential to succeed in any of the PMI exams, including the PMP New, and reduce the likelihood of retakes. There are numerous study resources available on the PMI website and other platforms to help you prepare for the exam effectively. Utilize these study materials to sail through your exam and achieve a high score. Best of luck on your journey!

  1. PMI Scheduling Professional Certification Dumps
  2. PMP Dumps
  3. PMP Dumps PDF
  4. PMP Exam
  5. PMP Exam Dumps
  6. PMP Exam Dumps Download
  7. PMP Exam Questions
  8. PMP Mock Test
  9. PMP PDF
  10. PMP Practice Exam
  11. PMP Questions
  12. PMP Questions and Answers

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