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Mushroom growing isn't difficult when you know what can go wrong

People often struggle with these common mushroom growing mistakes when they first try to grow them. When you start your mushroom growing journey, be sure to keep an eye out for these.

Here are some mistakes we made when we started growing mushrooms. Sometimes it is good to learn from your own mistakes, other times it is enough to learn from others.


1. Sterilization of the fungal culture substrate

Contamination is the main cause of mushroom cultivation failures. Incorrect sterilization is the main cause of contamination. You must treat all equipment, work surfaces, containers, and gloves with alcohol before beginning any work.

You must completely sterilize the substrate. Always follow the sterilization method without exception.

Check the pressure regularly when using a pressure cooker to achieve heat sterilization.

While working with liquid cultures, treat the syringe needle after each penetration, an equivalent goes for the scalpel when using Agar.

The work environment is equally important. Maintaining a clean, orderly and sterile work environment is essential to maximize your chances of success.


2. Slow and steady wins the race

First-time mushroom growers are always eager for the finished product. Mushroom cultivation is often a meticulous and thorough process that you simply shouldn't rush.

Incomplete preparations or not following and sticking to a chosen technique will lead to an increased risk of contamination.

Attempting to hurry through each stage would result in a high failure rate. Before inoculating your substrate, make sure it's nice. Make sure Mycelium has fully colonized its substrate before starting the fruiting stage.


3. Cutting corners will not give you a satisfactory result

There is often a temptation to cut corners to save costs. When growing mushrooms, there is no need to do so. The cost of production is so low, to begin with, that it pays to fully invest in the right equipment upfront to increase your success.

If you try to grow too big, too early and don't have the right equipment to cope with the workflow, you'll quickly become overwhelmed.


4. Suitable environment for mushroom cultivation

The wrong environment will quickly lead to failure. It is very important to always check the requirements of each variety of mushrooms that you grow.

Mushrooms grow during a multitude of habitats around the world, each requiring separate attention. The most critical aspects are:

  • Air and ground temperatures

  • Humidity

  • Light conditions

  • Fresh air exchange

5. Be aware of thermogenesis

Thermogenesis occurs when the mycelium is breaking down organic matter. Like compost piles, the mushroom substrate will begin to generate its heat.

There is a possibility that the temperature in your substrate is higher than the air temperature in the room. If your fruiting room is operating at the optimal temperature, then your substrate could rise above and cook the mycelium. This could mean that your mycelium will cook and die.

Other things to keep in mind

Some mistakes will only be avoided with the experience you gain growing your magic mushrooms canada. Here are a few things you can do to greatly improve your chances of success:

  • Learn what the first signs of contamination look like. It will save you time and money. As soon as the contamination is detected, the contaminated item must be completely removed from the growing area.

  • A common blunder is using a substrate that is either too wet or too dry. It should be damp but not wet, with a gentle squeeze just enough to release a few drops of excess water.

  • Label your vials and samples with species, date, and lot number to avoid confusion.

  • Always stick to the technique you started with.

  • When working with spores, it is important to ventilate the workspace after completion and the samples are safe.


You must start practicing proper sterile methods early in your mushroom growing journey. Most contamination problems can be avoided with proper technique and good equipment.

Don't rush your first crop. Be prepared when you start and don't improvise or take shortcuts at first.

Make sure the environmental conditions are right for the type of mushroom you are growing. Humidity, air exchange, light, and temperature are important factors that must be constantly monitored.

The growing mycelium generates its heat. To stop burning your mycelium, strive for a temperature that is a few degrees below the optimum.

  1. Mushrooms

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  1. Mcintyre D Maddox

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  2. Larry Martin

    This is incredibly helpful. I never realized the importance of environmental factors in mushroom cultivation. Can not wait to create the perfect conditions for my fungi to thrive.
    Realtor in Litchfield NH

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