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  1. How Is Tooth Bleaching Done In Houston?

    The most frequent cosmetic dentistry procedure is tooth whitening. One of the least aggressive and expensive dental procedures for discolored teeth is bleaching, as opposed to more invasive techniques like veneering, crowning, or bonding to improve a person's smile.   Currently, the...

  2. What is the process of tooth extraction?

    A tooth extraction can be essential for various reasons, but two are tooth decay and severe damage. Tooth extraction or removal is a dental process. In contrast, the tooth is entirely prevented from the tooth’s socket, and some individuals generally call this process pulling a...

  3. When do we need a root canal treatment?

    Root canal treatment or endodontic treatment treats inside the tooth. It is a dental therapy to prevent infection and bacteria inside a tooth. It may also secure the tooth from upcoming bacteria and infection. A soft tissue under the white enamel is called the pulp. The pulp includes connective...

  4. What are Dental implants and their types?

    The artificial structures, which look similar to the natural teeth, are the dental implants that a dental specialist or a surgeon implants into an individual`s mouth and insert in the jawbone. Suppose any individual is losing one or more teeth due to tooth loss, decay, or injury. In that case,...

  5. What Is The Procedure For Dental Implants?

    If you want the perfect and beautiful smile, then in this case, you should focus on the different ways and services that the dentist provides. Moreover, you should go for regular checkups so the dentist can understand the cause or the challenge you face while maintaining the oral hygine.  A...

  6. How To Treat The Tooth Ache?

    Toothache is a common problem that can be seen in many patients on an everyday basis. Toothache can be severe, and on the other hand, this can also be mild, depending on the patient's situation. This is unlike any other pain in the other body parts. This pain is all about the mouth ache that...

  7. What Are The Treatment For Periodontitis?

    Gum diseases are a prevalent challenge faced by all types of generations in the present time. Gum disease is widespread due to irregular hygine and improper diet. Many spend less than two minutes brushing and flossing their teeth in a busy and tight schedule.   Moreover, the diet we intake...

  8. When Do You Need A Root Canal Therapy?

    Are you having constant toothache? The reasons for toothache can be many, but persistent toothache can indicate many oral problems. You probably can’t find the reason behind the pain when you visit a dentist for an oral checkup. You may think of many causes for the pain. Still, only a...