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Antidepressant Diet: Eating Well to Feel Better

The antidepressant diet by itself will not reverse any psychological disorder until it disappears. However, within this multidisciplinary approach that each patient needs, there is undoubtedly the nutrition level. Thus, something as simple as consuming anti-inflammatory foods rich in antioxidants and vitamin C can surely help us improve our mood and well-being.

It seems as if somehow, feeling good and enjoying a proper internal balance is at odds with the delight of food. However, good nutritionists and psychologists themselves will tell us that none of this is true.

The simple reality is that we eat poorly. There comes a time when our range of culinary interests is the same as that of an 8-year-old. We prefer something that gives us that nice "high" carbohydrates, salt, and sugar, for example, produce. We can add another factor - the poor quality of our crops, those soils lacking adequate organic matter, and a mass production where fruits and vegetables lose part of their properties.

A deficient and inadequate diet has an impact on our well-being. It is, therefore, necessary to complement any psychological and pharmacological treatment with proper nutrition. The long-term results are noticeable.

Antidepressant diet: can it help me?

In 2017, several universities in Australia and New Zealand conducted a series of studies in collaboration with several hospitals. The work was published in the medical journal "BCM Medicine" and aimed to know if carrying out an antidepressant diet affected patients diagnosed with this disease. The results were positive, and the results started to become visible after 12 weeks.

This relationship between our mood and food is an emerging field within what is already known as "nutritional psychiatry." Moreover, there is growing scientific evidence that what we eat significantly affects our emotions and well-being. Therefore, it is worth bearing this in mind and taking note of these guidelines that make up the antidepressant diet.


Whole or whole grains are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fibra, antioxidants, and fitonutrients. Thus, options as successful as brown rice, oats, or buckwheat will provide us with a more than adequate amount of tryptophan, that essential amino acid that allows us to synthesize serotonin, the hormone of well-being and happiness.


Green leafy vegetables are an indispensable part of the antidepressant diet. However, there are more options than classic spinach, which always come to mind when we think of this type of vegetable. We also have a watercress, broccoli, chard, watercress, kale, etc.

They are very nutritious proposals, but in addition, their contribution in antioxidants, vitamin B, C, and folic acid will allow us to reduce stress and anxiety.


In the study carried out in Australia and New Zealand research, one group of people took fish between two and three times a week. They had endless options at our disposal, such as salmon, tuna, trout, herring, mackerel ... The main benefit for patients with depression is the richness in omega-3 fatty acids present in this type of fish. This type of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids is an exceptional neuroprotector. Many scientific studies have demonstrated the same results. This topic is so popular that many students have college assignments on this topic and regularly buy cheap research papers for their studies needs. 


The antidepressant diet leaves aside red meats and opts for lean meats. Among them, we have two more than adequate proposals: chicken and turkey. They are rich in proteins and contain an amino acid called tyrosine that will increase dopamine levels in the brain. If we cook them grilled with a bit of lemon and olive oil, the benefit will be wonderful.


Carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes... All those red or orange vegetables contain beta-carotene, a type of essential nutrient that becomes the precursor of vitamin A in our body. Thanks to this component, our body enjoys a proper internal balance, circulation is optimized, fights free radicals, improves our mood, and even reduces headaches.

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  1. Gut Health Nutrition
  2. Healthcare