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What are some of the advantages of glutathione

What are some of the advantages of glutathione?

Glutathione has a number of advantages, including:

1. Antioxidant properties

Free radicals may play a role in the ageing process and the development of certain diseases. Antioxidants fight free radicals and protect the body from their harmful effects.

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant, in part because it is found in high concentrations in every cell in the body.

2. Preventing the spread of cancer

a little research

Glutathione appears to play a function in cancer prevention, according to Trusted Source.

However, the same research suggests that glutathione may reduce the sensitivity of tumours to chemotherapy, a frequent cancer treatment.

More research is needed to determine the impact of glutathione on cancer.

3. Reducing cellular damage in patients with liver disease

The liver cells are damaged by hepatitis, alcohol misuse, and fatty liver disease.

A minor clinical trial was conducted in 2017.

Glutathione's antioxidant qualities and detoxification capability, according to Trusted Source, could help treat nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Larger studies are needed to validate this effect, according to the researchers.

4. Improving insulin sensitivity

Type 2 diabetes can develop as a result of insulin resistance. Insulin helps the body transport glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream into cells that can use it for energy.

A tiny study published in 2018

According to Trusted Source, patients with insulin resistance have lower glutathione levels, especially if they've had consequences like neuropathy or retinopathy. A study published in 2013 by Trusted Source came to similar results.

5. Reducing Parkinson's disease symptoms

According to various studies,

According to Trusted Source, there is evidence that maintaining glutathione levels can aid with Parkinson's disease symptoms.

The data suggest to support the use of injectable glutathione as a treatment option, but there is limited evidence for oral glutathione supplementation. To justify its use, more study is required.

6. Reducing the effects of ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis, like other inflammatory illnesses, has been associated to oxidative stress and damage.

A research on animals conducted in 2003

According to Trusted Source, glutathione supplementation can help rats with some of their colon damage.

More human study is needed to determine the effects of glutathione on ulcerative colitis.

7. Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Treatment

There is some indication that children with autism have lower glutathione levels than neurotypical or non-autistic children.

Researchers discovered in 2011 that oral glutathione supplements or injections may help to alleviate some of the symptoms of autism. However, because the researchers did not examine the children's symptoms to see if any had improved, more research is needed to establish the impact.


S acetyl glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that the body produces and utilises on a daily basis. Low levels have been linked to a variety of medical issues by researchers.

Supplements may be beneficial to some people, but they may not be safe for others, and they may conflict with other prescriptions they are taking.

Consult a doctor before beginning glutathione supplementation to ensure that it is both safe and effective.

  1. health
  2. Healthcare

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