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Essays on Ethics in Accounting

Accounting is important for every business, entity, and even individuals. As a profession, training is required to ensure accuracy as well as applied ethics to prevent any fraud and maintain a good reputation. Essays on ethics in accounting provide an overview; discuss its purpose and role, importance, examples of accounting scandals, and solutions to stop the problem.

It is essential to research this topic thoroughly by consulting reliable sources on ethics in accounting like essay and our service as well as reading examples of essays on ethics in accounting to gain a deeper understanding about ethics in the accounting profession. In addition, you should read essays on corporate corruption, the WorldCom scandal, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act which have significant points that you can add to your essay on ethics in accounting.

Essays on ethics in accounting should first provide an overview of the topic and discuss how ethics and moral values play vital roles in the field of accountancy. Luca Pacioli, the Father of Accounting and his book about accounting ethics published in 1494 should be discussed in essays on ethics in accounting. Next, essays on ethics in accounting should discuss the purpose and role of ethics in this field as a guide to be able to accomplish the task in utmost fairness. The importance of applying ethics and values in this profession should be discussed as well in essays on ethics in accounting since this is an integral process in business that helps in decision making and for forecasting investments and other business activities. Essays on ethics in accounting should also list examples of accounting scandals such as Nugan Hand Bank, Phar-Mor, WorldCom, AIG, and Enron. Lastly, essays on ethics in accounting should discuss the solutions to these problems like the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and other government- implemented reform programs.

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