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Seven Ayurvedic Tips to Live a Healthy Life

The science of Ayurveda speaks about the framework of modifying our lifestyles to optimize our bodily functions. It teaches how to live a happy and healthy life on this planet as it emphasizes the role of mental health in maintaining one's physical health. Ayurveda is not only about herbs, but this wonderful science is governed by the fact of how we live, what we eat in which environment we live in, and the state of our mental health. If you suffer from mental health, digestive disorders, or skin disorders, find Ayurvedic clinic in Melbourne to get the best Ayurvedic treatment possible. 

Ayurveda is one of the oldest medicinal systems and promises total health as it is a complete science. But it seems to have taken a back-seat in the hustle-bustle of modern life, as we ignore the several gifts that nature has to offer to us on an everyday basis. Ayurveda encourages finding the balance between your mind, body, and spirit because all three of these spheres are connected. How do you maintain balance? It is a way of life, a daily effort in your habits. With the guidance of this ancient wisdom, you can make choices in your diet and lifestyle that will lead to health, longevity, and reaching your fullest potential in life. An improper lifestyle is the primary cause of many diseases such as diabetes, obesity, insomnia, depression, and more. Following are some ayurvedic tips to live a healthy life

Eat Healthy Food

The secret of healthy eating is to eat in accordance with body type. Ayurveda aims to maintain the digestive fire. Choose seasonal vegetables in the diet and eat freshly prepared and easily digested foods. Eating the right food items will keep the digestive fire strong because the nutritious food gets converted to rasa dhatu, which produces dhatus and ojas thereby strengthening the immune system.

So, for good ojas, there is a requirement for good metabolism and a strong digestive system. Ayurveda suggests avoiding cold drinks during meals as it is like putting cold water on the burning logs. Once a person forms the habit of drinking beverages at room temperature, there will be a dramatic improvement in their digestion system. 

Regular Exercise

A person's body was designed to move due to 360 joints present in the human skeletal system. Exercise acts as a catalyst for maintaining optimum health. Unfortunately, in modern life, most people are leading a hectic lifestyle. Proper exercise has many benefits, such as maintaining the fluidity in the tissues, lubrication in the joints, and alertness in mind. 

It also supports detoxification pathways, kindles the metabolic fire throughout the tissues, and improves digestion, circulation, elimination, and lymphatic flow. In general, Ayurveda suggests that we should exercise at just half of our capacity and during kapha period of the day.  


Ayurveda experts recommended that massaging is an integral part of the daily routine. As per traditional Ayurvedic texts, it is nourishing, pacifies the body's doshas, provides stamina, enhances complexion, relieves doshas, promotes longevity, and gives nourishment to all parts of the body. It is traditionally performed in the morning before the bath to facilitate the release of toxins accumulated during the previous night.


There is a connection between the health of the body and the health of the mind -they cannot be separated, and disturbances in your mind can manifest as physical afflictions. Even if it's only five minutes every day, regular meditation practice helps maintain the balance necessary for health by cultivating mindfulness, reducing stress, and increasing your sense of well-being.

Manage your Stress Levels

Stress can affect many individuals at any point in time. However, the way peoples manage stress differs greatly. Most of the time, men are more likely to withdraw socially when stressed. Studies have also shown that stress related to work, home, and relationships is a leading cause of men's psychological impotence. Therefore, try to refresh your mind by indulging yourself in the activities you like doing. Take a walk outside to inhale the fresh air of nature, talk to friends and loved ones.  Herbs like Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Vidari, and Liquorice can help you control stress and nourish your body.

Use Ayurvedic Herbs for Building Muscles

In order to have an attractive look, peoples are resorting to many fitness supplements and unhealthy practices, sometimes resulting in permanent health loss. Most researchers show that Ayurvedic Herbs like Ashwagandha and Shilajit supports healthy tissue regeneration, enhance endurance, elevate energy levels, and rejuvenate the body from within, without any side effects.

Seek Advice from an Ayurvedic Doctor

Seeking a bit of early advice from a professional Ayurvedic doctor for any illness can help eradicate the issue from its root. Besides offering personalized remedies and treatment, Ayurveda suggests customized diet and lifestyle tips to boost the immune system and develop the resistance of the body to fight off diseases and live active life throughout. Find Ayurvedic clinic in Melbourne to get the best Ayurvedic treatment and advice possible.

  1. ayurveda
  2. Ayurveda experts
  3. Ayurvedic Clinic
  4. best Ayurvedic treatment
  5. healthy life
  6. Melbourne city

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