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People of Cuban Heritage


Communication patterns and common folk practices vary among various communities. For example, the beliefs and practices of people of Cuban heritage differ from other ethnicities globally. The paper will give a succinct explanation of the Cuban communication practices and their common folk practices by answering the case study questions.

A typical communication pattern of Cubans is the use of gestures. When dealing with Mrs. Hernandez, one should note that Cubans focus more on gestures and facial expressions as opposed to what is being said. In fact, the use of facial expressions and gestures is coupled with loud voices for illustration or emphasis. Physical contact using hands is also frequent. A common gesture used by many people within the Cuban community includes wrinkling their nose, which asks "What did you just say?". Others point to their forearms with the index fingers, which means that they refer to a person of color. Cubans also have a tendency of maintaining a distance when conversing. However, the distance depends on the nature of the relationship between the two parties. If the relationship is professional and business-oriented, the distance will be larger as compared to conversations with relatives and friends. Another communication pattern to consider is that greetings are imperative within Cuban society. Shaking hands as well as having small talk is habitual for both men and women.

Mrs. Hernandez would be assisted in developing a 1500-calorie diet by being given a meals timetable on what she should cook throughout the week. The diet should involve what to have for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. The diet should be coupled with 72 ounces of water every day. However, she should consult a physician when she experiences negative side effects such as hair loss, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. This might happen because one can experience such effects when maintaining a low calorie diet to lose weight while their body requires more than 1500 calories per day. As for the exercise, one must first acknowledge that she is 63 years old, which implies that some exercises will be off limits. For instance, it is unlikely that she will manage to run for long distances.

In fact, the effect of such intense exercises might be counter-productive. The recommendable exercises for Mrs. Hernandez will encompass stretching her legs and walking back to her house or doing gentle arm stretches. This will be a better preference for aerobic and cardiovascular conditioning. She should also maintain a regular workout routine at least twice a week. This will help her feel stronger and energetic. It is equally important to stay hydrated throughout the workouts. Mrs. Hernandez should understand that the exercise is vital for her flexibility as well as health maintenance. She should also consult with a physician before embarking on a new fitness or exercise program.

Mrs. Hernandez should not be encouraged to purchase herbs from the Botanica because the hypoglycemic drug recommended by the physician will guarantee better efficacy as compared to herbal medicine. Herbal medicines are also associated with poison risks because at times, herbalists might not recommend the best herbs for a specific ailment. Moreover, the quality of herbal products can vary depending on the manufacturers, brands, and batches. Even though Mrs. Hernandez desires to purchase herbal medicine, she should understand that herbal medicine has bioactive compounds. Therefore, the presence of such compounds can have adverse side effects, which cannot be proven by the herbalist.

Moreover, herbal remedies are classified as dietary supplements as opposed to prescription medications. In this regard, they bypass the Food and Drug Administration scrutiny that prescriptions drugs must undergo. This questions the safety and effectiveness of such drugs. However, most elements contained in herbal drugs are used in modern medicine as well. What matters is how the elements are used and how the dose ranges are measured. This makes herbal drugs more dangerous because the dose range between these drugs is very narrow, thus making it easy to harm a patient. However, for modern medicine, the dose range can be determined by technology and modern equipment, which makes medications safe and effective.

Even though Cubans resort to medicine after succumbing to various diseases, they also use some common folk practices to maintain their health or cure common ailments. Cubans have a long tradition of treating common ailments with natural remedies. For instance, a Cuban with circulatory problems would place their hands and bare feet on blocks of cobalt, as it was believed to have curative properties. Elsewhere, passion flowers could be used to treat high blood pressure. Similarly, music therapy was used to treat digestive problems whereas garlic was deemed good as a remedy for diabetes. For small burns on the skin surface, Cubans use different solutions that might involve toothpaste, egg whites, or tomato paste. One is supposed to tap the burn gently and apply one of the solutions, after which the burn will be soothed without blistering.

Cubans use fresh aloe vera as a remedy for arthritis, hernias, or headaches. However, it is first peeled and the patient lies down. Then, pieces of aloe vera are placed on their forehead after being chopped. However, for treating hernia and arthritis, the medication is effective when one peels the aloe and eats a small cube of the green flesh every morning and before they go to bed. Cubans maintain their health by sticking to healthy meals prepared in a traditional way.

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  2. People of Cuban Heritage

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