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Easy Diet Meal Plans for Weight Loss

So you want to enjoy your summer eating lots of salads that are healthy for your body? If yes, that's a cute decision I would like to support by sharing with you a few mouthwatering summer salad ideas. Without further ado, let's get started:

1. Cucumber-Salmon Panzanella Salad

Consisting of roasted salmon, cucumbers, caraway seeds, arugula, as some of the major ingredients, cucumber-salmon Panzanella looks so yummy when served on a plate that you will find it a bit hard to resist it. This popular summer salad is highly nutritious, filling, and contains a lot of health benefits. For example, it's low in sugars and calories, but high in protein. Apart from that, cucumber-salmon Panzanella contains calcium, sodium, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber with each nutrient playing a vital role in the body and mind.

For instance, calcium helps build and maintain strong bones. Apart from that, it helps nerves, muscles and the heart to function properly. Furthermore, some studies suggest that the mineral may help protect against high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer. If true, then consuming the meal regularly can be a great way to keep the diseases at bay, naturally.

As far as the health benefits of sodium are concerned, this mineral serves as an electrolyte, which is a very important substance for the body. In other words, the mineral enables the body to function normally, and maintains fluid as well as blood volume in the body.

Lastly, dietary fiber helps promote a healthy digestive system. Apart from that, it lowers appetite and food cravings, thus preventing overeating leading to weight loss.

It goes without saying that cucumber-salmon Panzanella is so versatile that it can serve your lunch or dinner meal needs. Apart from that, this easy-to-make summer salad can be served as a main dish or side dish with a variety of foods such as rice, pasta, bread, and meat. Feel free to wash it down with a glass of milk, smoothie, fresh fruit juice, or red wine for a more enjoyable, filling, and nutritious eating experience.

2. Shaved Asparagus and Parmesan Salad with Raisins

Asparagus as a vegetable is relatively abundant during summer. And there is no better way to make use of this delicious and highly nutritious vegetable than to make asparagus and Parmesan salad seasoned with raisins. Just like cucumber-salmon Panzanella, asparagus salad is so versatile that it can be served as a main course or side dish with a variety of foods. Some of the foods you can pair with your salad for a mouthwatering meal combo include meat, rice, and pasta. For an even more enjoyable, filling, and nutritious lunch and dinner, consume the meal with a glass of milk, smoothie, fresh fruit juice, or even wine.

3. Pesto Chicken Caprese Salad

For chicken lovers, there are many creative ways to enjoy eating chicken, including pesto chicken Caprese salad. Comprising of chicken, pesto(a thick green sauce made with pine nuts, basil, cloves garlic, Parmesan cheese, and olive oil), and a variety of vegetables such as tomatoes, this mouthwatering succulent salad is sure to make your taste buds dance and hanger go away. Serving as the main course or side dish that can pair nicely with rice and/or pasta, this Mexican-inspired salad can be a perfect lunch or dinner option for summer. Just like other salads, it becomes more delicious, enjoyable, filling, and nutritious when consumed with a healthy drink like milk, fresh fruit juice, and/or red wine. Furthermore, you can easily order the necessary ingredients from SunBasket. If you don't have one yet, you can go here to get pointed in the right direction. Nevertheless, Pesto chicken Caprese salad is relatively easy to prepare with fewer cooking requirements than other salads so don't forget to check the review and order the ingredients.

4.Grilled Summer Steak Salad with Corn

Made up of steak, corn, radishes, cherry tomatoes, spring mix salad greens, crumbled feta, onions, and some dressings, grilled summer steak salad with corn can be an excellent summer salad for beef lovers. Succulent, flavorful with a nice aroma, this easy-cook delicacy will greatly whet your taste buds, leaving you with no choice but to eat more and more of it. It goes without saying that grilled summer steak salad can be taken as a main course or side dish with a variety of foods, mostly rice and/or pasta. Feel free to wash it down with a glass of red wine for a more fulfilling lunch or dinner. As far as the nutritional benefits of this Western-inspired salad goes, it's low in calories, thus keeping weight problems such as obesity at bay. Furthermore, grilled summer steak salad is a very rich source of vitamins A and C, not to mention protein. You can see the health benefits of these nutrients here.

5. Shrimp Salad

The beauty of salads is the fact that there is always something for everyone. Whether you are a seafood, chicken, beef, or vegetable lover, these foods cater to you quite well. With that said, if you are a die-hard fan of seafood, shrimp salad can be another excellent option for a summer salad besides cucumber-salmon Panzanella salad.

Consisting of shrimp, celery, dill, and some seasoning, this American-inspired delicacy is so delicious that you might end up consuming more of it than you thought. Apart from that, it's filling and packed with nutrients. Furthermore, the health benefits of eating shrimp salad regularly cannot be emphasized enough. For example, this lunch or dinner-perfect salad, which is a good source of sodium, calcium, and iron can be a good way to keep your body and mind strong and healthy.

Final Thoughts

Cucumber-salmon Panzanella salad, shaved asparagus with Parmesan and raisin salad, Pesto chicken Caprese salad, grilled summer steak salad, and shrimp salad are the top 5 delicious summer salads. If you are a beef lover, don't forget to try out steak salad. Similarly, if you love chicken, don't let your summer end without trying out Pesto chicken Caprese salad. If you are a seafood die-hard fan, you really have got to try out shrimp salad and cucumber-salmon Panzanella salad. For vegetarians, shaved asparagus with Parmesan and raisin salad is a perfect salad option for the hot and dry season.

  1. Healthcare
  2. healthy life

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