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How to choose the best mosquito repellents?

Nowadays, stores offer the broadest selection of special means to combat blood-sucking insects, called repellents. It would seem that choosing a suitable substance is not difficult, but in fact, the breadth of choice only complicates the process. You can choose the usual creams and aerosols against mosquitoes, and you can buy newfangled accessories in the form of electronic bracelets or ultrasonic repellents. We offer you a rating of the best repellents against mosquitoes and blackflies.

Types of repellents

Repellents are insect repellents. With their help, you can feel comfortable in nature, even if there are a lot of blood-sucking insects around. We can help you to find the best mosquito repellents. Conventionally, all repellents can be divided into three large groups:

Chemicals applied to exposed skin or clothing. These include gels, sprays, and creams. The composition of such a drug is a potent component that repels mosquitoes and other insects.

Chemicals in the form of fumigators. These agents act on mosquitoes with smoke or steam, which contains a poisonous substance for insects. This type of repellent includes insect repellent smoke spirals and smoke bombs.

Safety equipment.

Protective clothing is one of the most effective ways to eliminate the danger of being bitten. This method does not require a power source and activation of the active substance. Protective clothing cannot be afraid of mosquitoes in the open air.

Ultrasonic insect repellent devices. These devices are easy to operate, inexpensive, and efficiently act on black flies and mosquitoes.

Repellents in the form of electric lamps are devices that first attract insects with ultraviolet radiation, and then kill them with a discharge of electric current.

To determine the choice, it is necessary to become more familiar with each type of repellent.

Spray Repellents

Aerosol repellents are considered the most common and convenient means of fighting mosquitoes. The spray is sprayed on clothing, as well as on exposed skin. At the same time, a certain amount of the drug remains on the treated surface and repels insects for several hours. The composition of such an aerosol is a special substance DETA and toxic substances. There are also repellents based on natural amino acids that do not harm humans.

When choosing a repellent spray for children, it is necessary to take into account that the protection for the baby should include no more than 10% of the substance DETA. It is possible to use such an anti-mosquito detergent only as an exception, and if long-term protection is required, non-chemical preparations should be used.

Gels and creams that protect against mosquito bites

Protection in the form of a cream or gel acts on the same principle as the spray. The only difference is that creams and gels are not sprayed, but applied to the skin with rubbing movements. For the most part, the main component in such a tool is the same DEET.

Gels and creams protect people from mosquito bites for four hours. But they are less popular in comparison with aerosols since their application takes longer.

Lack of creams and gels can also be called the fact that they can not be used if there are diseases or wounds on the skin, dermatitis, boils. It is not allowed to use this kind of repellents even if the woman is pregnant.

Smoke bombs

The principle of operation of these devices is to scare away mosquitoes and midges with the help of acrid smoke, which contains a toxic substance. They can be used both in nature and indoors. If you use a smoke bomb outdoors, you can sleep all night without fear of being bitten.

The disadvantage of this method of protection is that the protective effect is observed exclusively in a limited space. If you move some distance from the place where the checker was used, the mosquitoes again attack.

Repellent Spirals

These devices are used to protect rooms when windows are open in summer. Well, protect the spiral from mosquitoes on the veranda. To power the spiral, it is set on fire at one end. When burning, smoke that is acrid for insects is released, which scares them away. The spiral burns very slowly, so the protection lasts for several hours.

Electric scarers

This type of repellent can be used wherever there is access to a power source. Including in the open air, and indoors. The device attracts parasites with ultraviolet radiation, and when they come close, it kills them with an electric charge.

The disadvantage of this device is that ultraviolet radiation attracts not only blood-sucking parasites but also other insects, which also die from electric shock.

Special clothes

This method of protection against mosquitoes and black flies is suitable for allergies that cannot use standard methods of protection. A special set of clothes is affordable and well protected against bites. The disadvantage of this method of protection is that when used in hot weather, it causes inconvenience.


One of the most popular means to combat mosquitoes and midges is electric fumigators. They are special devices that, under the action of an electric current, distribute substances hazardous to pests in the air. The poison acts on the nervous system of insects, and they die.

More often two types of insecticides are used in these devices:

  • pyrethrins - natural poisons extracted from plant parts, not dangerous to humans and animals;

  • pyrethroids are synthetic poisons created under industrial conditions.

  • In most cases, substances of the second group are used, since they are more effective and were created specifically to combat blood-sapping parasites.

Electric fumigators are lamellar and liquid.

The design of the plate fumigator provides for the presence of a metal plate on which a special cardboard plate is impregnated with the active ingredient. From heating, the insecticide evaporates. The duration of the action of such a plate is on average 8 hours. Therefore, every night you need to put a new one.

In the liquid fumigator, a special solution is used, enclosed in a small vessel. The liquid also evaporates under the influence of heat and destroys insects. Such devices are considered more efficient. They are able to protect against insects up to 30 square meters of space. One bottle is enough for 30 days of use.


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  1. anari tredyn

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