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Holy Devil Son of Heaven

At this time, a woman was dancing freely and selflessly in the wind and snow on the street, stretching out her arms and flying in a self-intoxicated manner. The wind and snow seemed to come for her, to set off her selflessness and freedom. Happy laughter accompanied by flying arms through the wind and snow. The world just belongs to her at the moment. And she is Li Yan. Li Yan's foot kicked the drunk who was covered with snow. The drunkard rolled over, revealing a bearded, thin, haggard face. Looking carefully, he was a celestial garment, and his appearance could no longer remind people of the majestic imperial leader of the ancient country of clouds. Li Yan lowered his head and looked into Celestial Clothes' eyes. "Are you asleep?" He asked. Celestial clothes opened their eyes and saw a pair of big eyes looking at themselves from above. Do you want to fly together? He stretched out his arms and made a gesture of flying like a bird. Celestial Clothes closed her bloodshot eyes again and threw herself into the snow. Li Yan grabbed Celestial Clothes by the hand and said, "Come on, I'll take you to a fun place to experience the real feeling of flying." Before the words were finished, Celestial Clothes was involuntarily picked up by Li Yan from the snow and quickly traveled through the wind and snow. Celestial clothes wanted to open their eyes, but the oncoming wind and snow could not open their eyes at all,Investment casting parts, and the sound of whistling sounded in their ears. The dazed head of Celestial Clothes experienced a speed that had never been seen before. When everything stopped and Celestial Clothes opened his eyes, he saw himself standing on a cableway, the cold wind whistling through the gap of his body, the abyss below, and the wind and snow filled the air. Celestial Clothes remembers that this is the cableway connecting the front and back palaces of the Siro Empire. Li Yan looked at the Celestial Clothes and said, "Do you want to experience real flying?" Celestial Clothes had sobered up. Perhaps he had never been drunk. He looked back at Li Yan and said,Stainless steel foundry, "Who are you?"? What do you want to do? "I want you to experience real flying," said Li Yan. "I'm not interested in playing charades with you," said Celestial Clothes. "If you have any purpose, you might as well say it directly." Li Yan smiled and said, "I think it's very painful for you to live. You might as well die.". This deep stream is a long way to death. Maybe you can think clearly before you die. "Who are you?" Asked Celestial Clothes. The stranger in front of him obviously knew him very well. "My name is Li Yan," said Li Yan. "I come from the Temple of Death. I like to help those who are desperate for life or who live in pain." "The Temple of Death?" Celestial Clothes had never heard of such a place. The Temple of Death is the home of all human life, and it can also be said that life exists in another form. In your parlance, all that exists in the temple of death are ghosts. Li Yan Road. "Do you think I'm three years old?" Said Celestial Clothes in a cold voice. "You're not stupid," said Li Yan with a smile. Celestial Clothes snorted coldly. Li Yan said, car radiator cap ,Steel investment casting, "What I can tell you about the Temple of Death is that it is a place that can help people to extricate themselves, and it is also a place for people to be reborn. You have too much pain in your heart. As it happens, the Temple of Death can help you." "Why do I need your help?" Celestial Clothes asked ungratefully? I can solve my own problems! "Can you really solve it by yourself?" Asked Li Yan? Don't lie to yourself, you don't want to admit that you are a Demon, you dare not go home, you dare not face your wife, you get drunk all day, you are avoiding everything, and you think you can solve it by yourself.. "Stop it!" Roared Celestial Clothes. The temple of death can no longer make you suffer for who you are, can let you get rid of the shackles of life on you, and let you be reborn. Li Yan continued. Why did you come to me? I don't want to be reborn. I'd rather live in pain like this until I die! "Can you let go of your wife Siya?" "Siya?" Celestial clothes suddenly quiet down, he did not know how long no longer let himself think of the name, the pain of alcohol anesthesia suddenly all wake up, so that he can not bear. For the sake of your wife, you must change your identity as the son of the Demon Lord of the Demon Clan! Li Yan Road. Can a person's identity be changed? No, no one can change! This is the arrangement of fate, which can never be changed. Celestial Clothes said to himself. But the Temple of Death can change everything in the world that cannot be changed. It can lead to death or rebirth. Everything can start from scratch! "Why do you have to come to me?" Asked Celestial Clothes again? As I said, I don't want to be reborn. I'd rather suffer like this all my life. "Because you are the one whom Kongwu Zhikong likes," said Li Yan. Master?! The Celestial Clothes were so shocked that they did not understand what the Master had to do with the people in front of him and the Temple of Death. "Yes," said Li Yan, "your master Kongwu Zhikong came from the Temple of Death. His life has ended, and the Temple of Death needs someone to take his place. He chose you as his disciple in his lifetime, and after his death, his position should be replaced by you. Celestial Clothes couldn't believe it and said, "Master is dead?!"! How did he die? His wisdom has surpassed his life. How can everything in the world die? Li Yan said, "Because he has never seen Wukong at all. He has embarked on a road that will never have hope. He is doomed to die." Celestial Clothes looked at Li Yan, wondering what Li Yan meant. Why did Master Empty Enlightenment lead to a road that would never have any hope? Why do you want to replace yourself? Just as the Celestial Clothes were thinking about Li Yan's words, Li Yan pushed the Celestial Clothes down the deep ravine from the cableway. In the apse of the temple, a man was kneeling. The falling snow had accumulated a thick layer on his body, but he did not move. He had been kneeling here for many days, and had been hungry for many days, but no one paid any attention to him. On the night when the shadow made a scene at the headquarters of the army,die cast light housing, he left the prison of the army with the Moon War, and then the Moon War brought him here. No one told him how he left the army prison, just left.

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