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Risk of Abortion in World 2021?


Abortion Risks

As with any surgical procedure, abortion has certain risks. Today, with the developments in ultrasound technology, intrauterine structures and pregnancy can be better visualized. The fact that the use of metal curettes was left out of the routine and curettage with plastic thin cannulas and Abortion tablets in Dubai reduced the possible risks considerably. What are the risks of abortion in this article ? We will talk about them.


What Are the Risks of Abortion?

However, there are some risks, albeit minimal. These;

  • Infection,

  • Bleeding, 

  • intrauterine adhesions,

  • Continuing pregnancy

  • piece remains,

  • uterine perforation,

  • Anesthesia side effects (fainting, allergies, etc.).


Post-Abortion Discharge and Infection


Post- abortion infection is rare. If the procedure is performed under sterile surgical conditions and care is taken to clean the genital area after abortion, it will most likely not be seen.


Weak immunity, deterioration of the vaginal flora, poor genital hygiene, using vaginal tampons, keeping the genital area constantly moist, accompanying diabetes, blood pressure and diseases are predisposing factors for the development of vaginal infection.


The most important sign of infection is vaginal burning and discharge. As the condition progresses, fever, foul-smelling discharge and abdominal pain may occur. Antibiotics Abortion tablets in Dubai are used for treatment.


Inflammation of the lining of the uterus is called endometritis. In the case of endometritis, there is thickening of the membrane and inflammation and fluid accumulation in the uterine cavity. Inflammation in the membrane should be treated immediately. If infections in the internal genital organs are not treated and recur, they may cause adhesions in the membranes and tubes. Adhesion in the uterine lining and tubes is the cause of infertility.


Sometimes genital tract infections reach the tubes. Infection in the tubes and swelling of the tubes is called pyosalpinx. The swelling of the tubes with fluid without infection is called hydrosalpinx.


Continuation of Pregnancy After Abortion


If the abortion is done before 5 weeks, there is a risk of continuing the pregnancy. Therefore, the gestational week of a woman who comes for an abortion must be known accurately. In 4-5 week pregnancies, it will be healthier to wait for 1 more week and to perform the abortion after the fetal structure is seen.


10 days after the procedure in abortion clinics Abortion tablets in Dubai , your doctor will call you for a check-up. One of the purposes of this control is to see if the pregnancy is continuing. Control is done by ultrasound. If necessary, β-hCG monitoring is used.


Bleeding During and After Abortion


Abortion-related bleeding complications can occur in several ways. If the gestational week is either very small or large, the risk of bleeding increases. If the fetal structure is not alive, if there is a dead baby in the mother's womb, the risk of bleeding increases due to insufficient contraction of the uterus.


If the person to be aborted has systemic diseases such as bleeding disorder, blood diseases, diabetes or hypertension, it should be known before the procedure and precautions should be taken accordingly.


Another cause of bleeding during an abortion with Abortion tablets in Dubai is cervical injuries. This complication, which was more common in the past, has decreased with the use of plastic cannulas.


Pieces Remaining After Abortion


Remaining of a piece after abortion is seen due to the tight attachment of the fetal structure attachments to the uterus. No matter how well the inside of the uterus is cleaned, some people may have a problem with remaining pieces. Fragmentation doesn't necessarily mean the abortion wasn't done well. For this reason, the doctor calls every woman who has abortion for a check-up 10 days later. During the control, he looks into the uterus with ultrasound and sees whether there are any pieces left. If any part remains, it is cleaned.


Sometimes the pieces stick to the uterus so tightly that it is necessary to remove them visually with an instrument called hysteroscopy. This is a very rare case.


There are 2 important risks of fragments remaining after abortion;


  • It bleeds.

  • It creates a source of infection.


Perforation of the Womb during Abortion


As the gestational week increases, the uterine wall thickness decreases. Therefore, the possibility of uterine perforation increases in large week abortions. Abortion was previously performed with instruments called metal curettes. There is a higher risk of perforation in abortion with a metal curette compared to the vacuum method.


If there is a puncture during the abortion, there will be a feeling that the cannula is first forced and then progresses easily. In such a case, it is checked whether there is free fluid or bleeding around the uterus with ultrasound. If there is free fluid, its amount is monitored. Small punctures heal on their own. However, if there is bleeding into the abdomen and it continues, repair may be required.


Ascher man Syndrome (Adhesion in the Uterine Line)


Having too many abortions causes adhesions on the uterine lining, which increase over time. As a result, the inner lining of the uterus sticks together and becomes invulnerable during menstruation. This results in amenorrhoea. There are several causes of intrauterine adhesions (synechiae);


  • Scraping excessively during abortion, forcing (with the old metal curette),

  • The high number of abortions

  • Frequent intrauterine infections,

  • After dead baby abortions,

  • Structural causes (excess tissue response).


Intrauterine adhesions can be seen with HSG film or hysteroscopy.


Anesthesia-related side effects are rarely seen. These develop due to the drugs used during anesthesia. It is more likely to be seen in people with allergies. Mild allergic reactions are common but the best thing to use is Get abortion pills in Dubai. Fainting, shortness of breath, angioedema, rash, hot flashes, and feeling of faintness are less common anesthesia risks.


What Are the Risky Situations of Abortion?


  • Uterine anomalies (such as double uterus, uterine division, vaginal septa),

  • The fetus is dead

  • The uterus is severely turned backwards,

  • Having a bleeding disorder in women

  • Diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases.

They are important factors that increase the risks of abortion .


  1. Abortion
  2. Doctor
  3. Doctor counselling
  4. health
  5. life
  6. Tablets
  7. Women's Care

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