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Weight Loss Menus: How to Adjust Your Diet to Lose Weight (Facts vs. Myths)

If you want to know how to eat for weight loss and do it effectively based on proven advice, this article will be for you.

There is a galactic gap between what is said about weight loss foods and how it really works in your body build a diet for weight loss.

In the next few minutes, you will learn things that even certified specialists often do not know, we will dispel a few myths and learn how to compile weight loss diets that will bring you results.

You don't need special meals for that, you only eat at certain times and you know what, you better not even do anything you have read somewhere so far. Forget it, and rather do the following

No food or diet triggers weight loss

If we are to take it in good order, we must begin by refuting a few myths.

As for most weight loss menus, "experts" will give you a few healthy meals, they'll put out sugars for you, they'll add protein-rich foods, maybe a tenth of a handful of fruit.

And this should help you lose weight by starting those metabolisms and becoming a fat-burning machine.

Well, it has a minor snag. There are no foods to lose weight. In fact, your body works the exact opposite. Whatever you eat, more or less always something will go fat.

Clean, healthy, or "detoxifying" foods - proteins, carbohydrates, or fats - whatever it is, some of it is also stored in fat stores.

I wouldn't be surprised if you looked something like this now:

Doesn't that make sense to you? 

It will be in a moment.


What happens when you eat something

As soon as you put the food in the mouth, the digestion process begins. Saliva and food digestion digests food into smaller parts, which are further digested (broken down) into even smaller parts and nutrients that your body can use to function. 

These then pass into the small intestine, where they are further processed into such a form that they can enter the bloodstream and travel where it is needed.

This is where the hormone insulin comes into play, and because many quasi-experts do not understand its role in the body, it has created a scarecrow and the mistaken assumption that foods that increase its level make you fatty.


The true essence of insulin

Insulin is a vital hormone. If you didn't have it, you wouldn't even have a way to survive, because its job is to carry nutrients from food to the cells. 

He is trying by force to keep you alive, and the "nutritionists" are leading him on a crusade.

To make matters worse, insulin is said to have combined with carbohydrates against you. They agreed that carbohydrates would increase it disproportionately, triggering the fat storage process. 

But what if I told you it was complete nonsense and your body didn't work that way?


What makes you fat is lack of exercise, overeating, and laziness

Coaches and nutritionists won't tell you that anymore because it's not exactly sexy. Well to tell you that you just need to lower your insulin level and you lose weight, it no longer sells easier. 

But let's look at how it really is with insulin.

While it's true that it stops fat burning, it even stimulates fat production, but it's quite logical when you look at it from the point of view of the functioning of your body.

At any given time, your body has certain energy requirements in order to function. Sometimes more, sometimes less, simply has some current need for energy intake and nutrients. 

All insulin can do is get this energy intake and nutrients into your body from the food you eat. From an evolutionary point of view, this makes sense, because the only thing your body is trying to do is survive. It doesn't touch on the fat stores you might need once you have a bunch of food on hand as free and faster energy available. In fact, the process of burning energy takes a while and is not a source of immediate energy. Add to that the fact that we usually always receive more energy than we currently need, of course, something has to be stored in fat stores.

In addition, fat is only the energy to function, but it is not stored in other necessary nutrients such as minerals, nutrients or amino acids from proteins. In short, you have to eat, because you only have energy reserves in fat.

Without enough critical thinking so quickly nonsense insulin equals fat-storage hormone.


a lot of carbohydrates = high insulin levels = stopping fat burning, which will lead to fat storage

And vice versa:

low carbohydrate diet = low insulin levels = more frequent fat burning, which will lead to faster weight loss


Such simplifications are ideal for unsuspecting people. Attach a modified photo of the trainer in Photoshop, who can still be on steroids, and you have a recipe for selling any nonsense for weight loss. If he still knows how to submit some research in a way that suits him, it will go on sale.


How food really prevents you from losing weight

As I said a moment ago, overeating makes you fat and it has to do with energy intake . This is the relationship between calories received and burned:

  • positive energy expenditure - this is a condition where you consume more energy in your diet than you burn during the day, which leads to weight gain .
  • Negative energy expenditure - this is a condition where you consume less energy in your diet than you burn during the day, which leads to weight loss.

This may not be so new to you, as more and more wise trainers and nutritionists are starting to talk about it, but you probably don't know how it relates to insulin and setting up the right diet to lose weight.

  • Saturated state - when your digestive system digests, processes food and absorbs nutrients, usually when insulin levels rise. 
  • fasting state - when your digestive system has been digested and your blood level has stabilized


If you are full, some of the energy you receive may be stored, as your body may not have a current need to use it.

Once you get hungry and you have no place to draw energy, the body gradually reaches for fat stores, as it constantly needs energy.

During the whole day, your body goes from hungry to saturated, from saturated to  hungry and always around. Once it stores fat, then it burns, and so on all the time, with you sleeping for several hours during sleep, so you work on fat. At least, provided you don't make a few raids on the refrigerator.

Alternation of hungry and saturated state

If the yellow and blue are balanced during the day, your body fat will remain the same. 


How much to reduce your calorie intake

If you could choose, would you like to lose weight fast or slow?

Of course fast. Therefore, many people drastically reduce calories in the belief that they will lose weight faster. It also works for a while, but it is also the best way to the yo-yo effect, deteriorating mood and loss of muscle and therefore vitality.

Many people are hungry for water, salads and fruits, and of course they will quickly lose weight. But behind the rapidly lower number is something other than just fat.


Glycogen, water and muscles

In addition to having fat stores in the body in the form of fat, the body also stores energy in glycogen stores in the muscles and liver. It is a faster usable form of energy that your body also reaches for regularly.

Then there is water, which makes up the majority of your body. Water is interesting in this regard, because the more carbohydrates you take, the more water you hold in your body.

With an extremely low caloric intake in a low-carbohydrate / keto / salad / vegetable… diet, you will definitely burn fat, but you will also burn a lot of glycogen (which you do not recover properly) and you will stop holding less water. 

So even if you lose weight, it's not just fat. When someone claims that it is possible to lose 5 pounds a week, they believe, but 20-30% of it is water and glycogen is also not a negligible amount .

Therefore, the yo-yo effect when they increase energy intake again - glycogen and water levels return to normal.

Let's be optimistic, let's say that glycogen and water would make up only 35% of weight loss, which would make 1.75 kilograms out of 5 pounds. The fat loss would therefore be 3.25 kilograms. That's great, isn't it? Well, not at all. It's not that much.

The more drastically you reduce calories, the more you will lose muscle . This is especially true if you don't even do strength training, or exercise too much, or do too much endurance cardio.

It is quite possible that out of those 5 weight loss pounds, the fat would be somewhere at the level of 2.5 pounds. Not bad, but absolutely unhealthy, not to mention that your mood will be at freezing and you will have such unsustainable tastes that after a few days you will start to overeat. You will gain weight back, not in the muscles, but in more excess fat.

So it's all that if you don't have to go fast, you have to go slow?

Wrong again.

Although many experts advise it, it is also unsustainable. Why? Because the slower the results you see, the less motivated you will be and the sooner you will end up. Would you like to lose weight for two years? I doubt. In addition, it brings unbearably many opportunities to slip into the old rails of gaining weight.

When you can't go fast, the right option is not to go slow automatically. The right option is to go as fast as possible so that it does not endanger your health, avoid the yo-yo effect, and maintain vitality and muscles. The only question is where is the right border.

Very reliable and versatile research has been done by Finnish scientists, who have found that you can reduce your calories by up to 25% without significantly reducing muscle loss, provided you have enough protein.

Based on it, you can limit your calories somewhere at the level of 20-25%. But certainly not more.


How To Break Down Macronutrients In Your Diet For Weight Loss

Macronutrients are nutrients that your body needs in larger amounts - hence the macro . Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are hidden under this word.

Each nutrient has a function, so you don't need each one the same. Especially when losing weight.

To see the long answer as you break it down, read How Much Protein to Take a Day (Definitive Scientific Answer) and How Many Carbohydrates a Day to Take to Lose Weight or You're in a Volume .

Short answer:

  • Protein - Take 2 grams per kilogram of your weight
  • Fats - Take 0.5 - 06 grams per kilogram of your weight
  • Carbohydrates - Carbohydrates are calculated from the remaining energy intake


How to Calculate Your Calorie Intake in a Weight Loss Diet

In order to get an accurate carbohydrate intake, you need to calculate how much energy you burn during the day and then deduct 20-25% from it. This will be your target energy intake during the day.

Since each macronutrient contains some calories:

  • 1 g of protein = 4.2 calories (you can easily count on 4)
  • 1 g of carbohydrates = 4.2 calories (you can easily count on 4)
  • 1 gram of fat = 9 calories

All you have to do is deduct the energy of proteins and fats from your energy intake, which is enough for the number of carbohydrates.

It may sound complicated, but it's just basic math.

To calculate the energy burned per day, all you have to do is enter some data into the calculator and it will do everything for you. The resulting number is a fairly accurate estimate of your energy burned per day.

But if you overdo it with food and calories, you will store fat and thus gain weight. If there are fewer calories, you will more often reach for fat stores and lose weight.

This is the very basic mechanism of weight loss and weight gain and is superior to any other rule or hormone, whether insulin or ghrelin / leptin (so-called hunger hormones), which some specialists also show off when they want to serve you another scarecrow.

All this is not made up, it is a scientific fact . 

It doesn't matter how much carbohydrate you eat, whether you take a detox, whether you eat clean and healthy, or how you play with proteins, carbohydrates and fats. If you consume less energy than you burn, you will lose weight regardless of the type of diet . The opposite is also true .

In the light of these facts, it can be clearly stated that…


The diet for weight loss is oxymoron

So if you wanted to create a weight loss diet with the assumption that it will start your metabolism and start the process of fat burning, you probably already know that it doesn't have to lead anywhere.

When you eat something - and it doesn't matter what - two things happen:

  • the process of burning tukus slows down or stops as the body uses energy and nutrients from the food it eats
  • the process of storing fat is more likely, as we usually consume more energy than the body is currently able to use.

The problem with many menus is that they talk more about what to eat and not about how much time  you should eat.

You will probably always save some fat, but this is fine if you have a balanced or negative energy intake. However, you can influence whether it is saved more or less and thus speed up the whole weight loss process a bit. How?

How you set up macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats).

  • Proteins are the most difficult to convert into fats, as their main role is to build your organs, muscles, tissues, skin…
  • Carbohydrates are primarily used to regenerate muscle after training and restore glycogen stores . Only when your energy needs are met are excess carbohydrates stored in fats.
  • Unlike the previous two macronutrients, fat is very easily stored in fats and their increased intake in one meal also leads to increased fat stores.

You definitely need enough protein and you have less chance of gaining weight. As for fat, you should not limit it, as it is important for the proper functioning of your body and the production of hormones, which are also involved in regeneration or digestion. Carbohydrates are also important, but you must not overdo it. So the key is how to set macronutrients in your weight loss diet. Especially considering that you are in a caloric deficit - so you have taken in less sludge


How to adjust the diet in the diet to lose weight

As you've already found, losing weight on a diet doesn't just mean stuffing healthy foods there. There is much more to it. Fortunately, it's not as complicated and complicated as it might seem. Just follow a few rules:

  • reduce your calorie intake so that you are in a caloric deficit
  • Properly break down macronutrients in your diet to promote weight loss
  • Avoid industrially processed foods
  • sometimes you can indulge in something sweet if it fits into your calories


So what to do with that number next?

So if a woman weighing 60 pounds turned out to burn 1,700 calories a day and should take 20-25% less calories, which is 1,300 calories, then:


  • 2 × 60 = 120 grams of protein
  • 0.5 × 60 = 35 grams of fat
  • the rest may be carbohydrates, or it may add a little on proteins / fats


It's always easier to get protein and fat, as the recommendations are relatively accurate. Carbohydrates can then be calculated from the remaining calories.


  • 120 × 4 = 480
  • 35 × 9 = 315
  • 1300 - 480 - 315 = 505 calories in carbohydrates
  • 505/4 = 126 grams of carbohydrates


Quite simple numbers from elementary school.

To lose weight, a 60-pound woman should take about 1,300 calories, including 120 grams of protein, 35 grams of fat, and 126 grams of carbohydrates. 

It should also be noted that those numbers are not carved in stone and when they are slightly smaller / higher at the end of the day, nothing happens. It also depends on whether you are counting 4 or 4.2 when calculating energy from proteins and carbohydrates.


Important rules when compiling a menu

Creating a diet for weight loss and choosing the right diet is not rocket science. Unless you have digestive or thyroid problems, the rules are as simple as possible and you don't need anything special.


Eat the foods you love

This rule does not mean that you should eat anything. Understandably, sweet and sugar need to be limited. 

It just means that you don't necessarily have to eat foods you don't like. If it is a quality source of macro and micronutrients, you can put a variety of types of food in the menu. 

Eating around the same time is not exactly sustainable for most people. 

If you are regularly in negative caloric intake, your body will respond to weight loss. What you eat is less important than how much you eat.

You can even get about 10% of your calories from a diet you shouldn't "have". If most nutrients come from an unprocessed diet without added carbohydrates.

The point is that industrially processed foods have a very small volume after consumption, so they do not satisfy you , or only for a very short time. This will make your stomach empty more often, which means that you will also have a higher level of ghrelin , and therefore your appetite will appear more often.

So which diet can you choose? One that satisfies you and you keep the necessary amount of macronutrients and also micronutrients. For example, this:

  • meat - chicken, poultry, pork, beef
  • fish - tuna, mackerel, salmon
  • low-fat dairy products - cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, skewer
  • Greek yogurt
  • eggs
  • protein - whey or casein, whey is very quickly digested and suitable after training, casein will satiate you for 5 hours
  • wholemeal pasta and pastries
  • brown rice, natural rice
  • potatoes, sweet potatoes
  • avocado
  • lentils, beans
  • broccoli
  • nuts, cashews, pistachios
  • hot chocolate (80% +) - in case you have a sweet tooth
  • in smaller quantities of fruit
  • to the main meal vegetables
  • berries


You might be interested in: A list of the best low-calorie foods


Unless your food boils over  

  • chips
  • french fries
  • baguettes
  • sweetened beverages
  • sweets
  • milk chocolates
  • cakes and desserts…


… So you're fine.


How often to eat

Read some women's lifestyle magazine or just follow the modern fitness influencers and you will learn that you should eat smaller portions and more often if you want to start your metabolism. 

A regular dose of food is said to trigger it at full speed and you will probably not gain weight with small portions.

Well, there's a bit of truth to that. This is called the thermal effect of food - paradoxically, during digestion and decomposition of food, the body burns energy. In the case of proteins, it is up to 30% .

So many "experts" unfamiliar with how metabolism works have found that more frequent food consumption speeds up metabolism.

It doesn't really matter to the body whether you eat more or less food at a time. At the end of the day, it is still the same percentage.

So if you eat a total of 150 grams of protein per day and the thermal effect from food is 30%, you will burn 150g of protein x 4 calories x 30% = 180 calories during digestion.

Whether it's 3 servings of 50 grams of protein or 5 servings of 30 grams of protein, it's still based on 180 calories.

Mathematics and scientific research will not let go. In one study , they examined whether the number of meals had an effect on energy expenditure. They tried 1 to 17 meals in one day and found no difference in the total energy burned.

They confirmed only what is clear mathematically:

  • more smaller meals will cause a more frequent but shorter increase in metabolism
  • fewer larger meals will cause longer and greater increases in metabolism.

But at the end of the day, it's always the same number.

So it's not about whether you eat three, five, six or more times a day. It's just a matter of which diet suits you better.

Someone will stay fine without food until lunch. Someone needs to put something in the morning.

No matter how you set your diet to lose weight, it will not destroy or slow down your metabolism or endanger weight loss. Anyone who claims the opposite has no idea how the body and metabolism work.


The size of meals to lose weight

Just as it doesn't matter how often you eat, it doesn't matter how big your portions are. Of course, physiologically, it's impossible for you to put more large portions into yourself, just more calorie bombs that won't saturate you in any way, so you can go through them.

Again, it only depends on what suits you better. If you prefer fewer larger meals, but more smaller meals, or a few smaller ones, and at the end of the day one big or a good breakfast and several smaller meals during the day, it doesn't matter what you choose.

There is only one rule to follow. Does it suit you and is it sustainable for you? So do it.


Sample weight loss menus for download

I have prepared a sample menu for you. You can view and download it :

A word at the end of the diet and diet for weight loss

Choosing a suitable diet and compiling weight loss menus is not difficult. It's just the fitness industry that makes it complicated for you to sell your nonsense. 

  1. bodybuilding
  2. diet
  3. exercise
  4. Fitness

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